Breaking the Rules Article

Topics: RulesTheory

Breaking the rules…is it okay? Well, it depends on whether or not I am doing it for the right reasons. Last year I had a friend who was putting herself in harm’s way. All I could think of was, “Is it okay to break the rules to support one of my best friends?” In the course of this paper, I will address my personal theory that “it is okay to break the rules” in the event that someone is attacking another person I care about, if a person I care about is trying to hurt themselves or another person or to protect people I care about, that is really not okay.

I believe it actually depends on the situation at hand.

In my opinion, in the event a person is being attacked you can break the rules to keep them out of harm’s way. A person may be walking down a street, and a person attacks them. At the same moment, another person is walking down the other side of the street and see this occurring.

Now this person is thinking what can I do to help this person. They may think, “hey, what if I go over there to help them.” But here’s the thing there is not a crosswalk in sight, and there is traffic, so this person is thinking what can I do. I want to help but I can’t j-walk, because there is a police officer over there. So this person runs across the street and is able to help the person that is being attacked.

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Even though this person just broke a law they had a good reason. This person has put the safety of another person before their own, despite the consequences.

Another instance where it is okay to break the rules is in the event that a person that I care about is trying to hurt themselves or another person. An example of this is last year I had a friend who was putting herself in danger. She concluded that nobody liked her and that nobody cared about her. She also believed that the only reason that anyone liked her was because of the way that she looked. One day I noticed that she had red streaks on her arms. I asked her what happened to her, she told me that it was nothing. I had to make the decision to report her which goes against my rules as a person to do everything that I can to protect the people that I care about, before going for help. But if I hadn’t told somebody about what was occurring then I would have lost one of my best companions in the world.

An instance where I have had to break the rules to protect the people that I care about was in the fourth grade. It was around February when one friend was being bullied by an older student in our class who was held back. One day, later that month we were all outside at recess when I was running toward the swings I saw my friend being slapped and punched by a group of older students. There were no adults around to stop the fight, and none of the other kids wanted to do anything all they did was watch. So I ended up breaking a rule, I jumped on the bullies back and I choked him out so that I could save my friend. If I hadn’t broken that rule then my friend could have gotten even more seriously hurt.

I did get suspended but I was and still am glad that I did that because I was able to keep my friend from serious harm. In conclusion, it is okay to break the rules if someone is in endanger, a danger to themselves or others, or if a person is in trouble. When someone sees an event taking place and a person is endangering another person anyone has the right to intervene in the situation to stop it. No matter who is the intervener, they have every right to break the rules to stop a person or persons from hurting one another, or other people.

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Breaking the Rules Article. (2021, Dec 10). Retrieved from

Breaking the Rules Article
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