Dystopian novel "Brave New World"

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Imagine a guided scientific experiment with multiple trials. Different groups of test subjects go through different trials and conditions, and those who are best suited to their surroundings survive. The gene pool becomes a new challenge, eventually creating a strong and selective group of subjects with similar genes. After the experiments, the subjects begin to lose their individuality and instead obey survival instincts. In fact, this is what Aldous Huxley refers to in his dystopian novel Brave New World.

He writes about a society in which conformists thrive, such as Bernard Marx and John the Savage, facing dire consequences in Brave New World.

Before discussing foils, you need to be aware of the need to use a pair of foils. The foil pair includes characters whose contrasting features highlight each other’s most important qualities (CITE). Some authors, such as Huxley, have a couple of foils to give an important message to readers. Foils can play any role in a literary work.

For example, in Huxley’s novel, Bernard and John are both protagonists. Huxley’s traitorous couple emphasize the importance of individual expression in a society of the necessary diversity.

The first character Huxley introduces as part of the foil pair is Bernard Marks. Bernard comes from the World State in London. Thus, he knows little about the various groups of people living outside of his community. Bernard is the offspring of the Bockan process, in which no more than 96 clones result from the division of one female ovum (Huxley 6).

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Director for Hatcheries and Conditioning of the Bokanovsky Process “one of the main instruments of social stability”. (Huxley 7).

Through this, the government of the World State intends to build a strong, stable society, but also by controlling its actions and emotions. Bernard underwent a genetic mutation during the cloning process, so he is not genetically identical to other clones created from the same mother’s egg. World State scientists have added alcohol to Bernard’s blood surrogate, an experiment in which Bernard undergoes physical mutations such as stunted growth, as well as mental differences such as intellectual superiority (Huxley 60).

From the moment of his birth, this immediately creates a barrier between Bernard and the rest of his community. Despite being an Alpha, Bernard receives humiliating remarks and unpleasant looks from other citizens of the World State. When Benito, a citizen of the World State, reports Bernard’s mutation, he says that alcohol “touched his brain, I believe” (Huxley 60).

Such derogatory remarks make Bernard feel like an outsider; and, feeling like an outsider, he behaved as one, which intensified the prejudice against him and intensified the contempt and hostility caused by his disabilities. Which, in turn, reinforced his sense of alienation and loneliness. Chronic fear of that.

This emphasizes that Bernard’s parting was partly caused by himself; however, he takes such measures. At the outset, Bernard experiences an intellectual division; however, the degree of his isolation increases throughout the novel.

Towards the end of the novel, Mustafa Mond, the World Controller of the region, exiles Bernard to the island by his friend Helmholtz, because they may fit the uniformity in the World State (Huxley 226). Ever since Huxley first introduced Bernard to his readers, Bernard has always wondered what life would be like without conditions like hypnopedia and catfish. He even brings this topic to Lenin when they fly on his propeller. He says: “I wonder how it would be if I could, if I was free?” not enslaved by my conditioning (Huxley 91).

In this situation, Lenin, Bernard Marx’s love interest, plays the role of forgetful, not allowing herself to see the woman’s truth. Like most other citizens of the World State, Lenina is content with her phony, structured lifestyle and therefore does not want to imagine life without her soma. Society frowns on people who show passionate emotions, which leads to retaliation. Thus, citizens feel the need to accept from their diverse characteristics in order to earn the recognition of their community. However, those who operate in isolation meet social standards (Firchow 456).

Bernard’s true emotions surface when Mustafa says he is sending them to Iceland. He asks the Controller: “Oh, please don’t send me to Iceland.” I promise I will do what I have to. Give Me One More Chance (Huxley 226). It is ironic that Bernard does not want to leave the World State, but as mentioned earlier, he always dreams of freedom.

Huxley creates John Savage as the foil of Bernard Marx. John is from an Indian Reservation and has lived there for most of his childhood. John’s mother, Linda, is a notorious outcast of the Reservation and has a bad reputation mainly for sleeping with the use of men (Huxley 121). Due to the fact that his mother was ostracized in the community of the Reservation, John, like Bernard, was born a social outcast. Other boys in costumes evoking different characteristics and abilities (Huxley 129).

John is not like the other boys his age on the reservation because he can read (Huxley 129). Linda always tells John stories about her birthplace, Another Place, better known as the World State. John dreams of one day going to another place, because he thinks that life will resemble the fantasies he reads about in Shakespeare’s plays. To John, World State sounds like the perfect place to improve his life. When Bernard offers to take John back to the World State with him and Lenin, John is delighted.

Upon arriving at the World State, John instantly feels overwhelmed. He doesn’t know how to react because he isn’t familiar with his tough and tech lifestyle. John does not understand the structure of the World State. John rejects anyone who offers him soma because he believes that soma is the cause of Linda’s death. Does he require others Throw it all away, this horrible poison (Huxley 211). With these words and actions, John represents the structure of the structure of the World State. It ignores the fact that citizens are not in control of their own thoughts and actions, so they are not in control of their own thoughts and actions.

Instead of rebirth, the World State alienates John more than does Bernard’s. At the end of the book, John commits suicide because he can handle the overwhelming pressure he faces from a technologically advanced and inhuman society. John self-mutilates several times throughout the novel. For example, he confesses to Bernard. crucifixion. He did this because he wanted to experience suffering, experience real emotion, and find true happiness (Huxley 137). Towards the end, however, John kills himself out of hatred for his actions.

Suicide is the worst form of self-harm; however, towards the end of the novel, John feels compelled to commit suicide. After sleeping with Lenin, John feels he has reached this level of low morale due to the influence of the World State on him. He cannot resist adhering to the standards of the World State.

Bernard and John are enemies of each other because they have different traits and backgrounds. Both characters come from different communities and grow up surrounded by different cultural and social norms. Thus, Huxley emphasizes that it is not just society that is guilty of enforced submission; rather, the problem is prevalent in many communities around the world. How is the economy growing? However, both societies remain alienated from outside communities. For example, Lenina and Bernard react in amazement when they first see an old, non-handsome Indian crawling up the stairs; they first see a person who physically looks old.

Bernard explains that the World Government Agency receives the treatment, disease prevention and disabilities that are commonly used as they grow older (Huxley 110). Aging is part of the natural life cycle, but the World State uses science and medicine to “heal”. elderly people from any disease. Just like Lenin and Bernard. When John first sees Lenin on the reservation, he “gasped and fell silent, gaping,” because he had never seen fair-skinned women before in his life (Huxley 117).

Through Lenin’s reaction to the old man and John to Lenin, Huxley ridicules the negative consequences of ignorance of different cultures for different communities. The inhabitants of both villages are content with their current position of ignorance; therefore, they see no reason to disturb their comfort by interacting with other societies, even if it means giving up their identity.

Bernard and John are two of the most ostracized characters in the novel because they are not subject to social norms in each of their societies. Huxley uses Bernard’s expulsion and John’s suicide to highlight the negative consequences of conformity on society. First, uniformity tends to isolate society. For example, the overwhelming majority of the citizens of the World State do not know about any society outside the World State. The director deliberately prevents his citizens from traveling to the outside community, as Huxley demonstrates through Bernard requesting permission to visit the Indian Reservation (Huxley 95). The Director reluctantly gives Bernard permission to leave the World State.

Uniformity not only limits people’s knowledge. The citizens of the World State do not have the ability to think for themselves. For example, scientists use hypnosis to control their thoughts. the process of using repetitive monologue to teach people in their sleep. The citizens of the World State do not experience real emotions.

Due to the combination of eugenics, drug addiction, and over-hiding, most people living in the society of the World State are unable to experience real emotions (Firchow 453). For example, when Lenina is talking to her friend Fanny in the dressing room, Fanny says: “And remember that a gram is better than a devil” (Huxley 55). The only emotions that are conscious of true, human feelings are false pleasure and joy, since they ignore any knowledge of true, human feelings (Firchow 453).

When times are tough for a citizen, he simply takes a couple of grams of soma to relieve stress. They rarely face their obstacles, which justifies the choice of an easy way out of a difficult situation and takes into account them that emotions are dangerous and abnormal. Some citizens voluntarily surrender their identity to the World State in order to meet the standards of their social class. When times are tough for a citizen, he simply takes a couple of grams of soma to relieve stress. They rarely face their obstacles, which justifies the choice of an easy way out of a difficult situation and takes into account them that emotions are dangerous and abnormal.

Along with depriving people of their identity, uniformity in society also hinders citizens. social mobility. The world state has a very rigid class structure. At the top are alphas, then beta, gamma, deltas, and epsilons. Having been born into a social class, a citizen cannot become another class. The technologically advanced unite their inhabitants excessively to the point of homogeneity. If one prefers originality to conformity, he or she will experience segregation within his or her social class (Firchow, 459).

Lower-class citizens are genetically and physically handicapped, and scientists are programming them to be from the higher classes. a monkey dressed in a black tunic Epsilon-Minus Half-Crown (Huxley 58). In other words, Huxley endows these working images with qualities, while he portrays alphas as lighter-skinned and more humane figures (Congdon 91). This aspect of a rigid system is reminiscent of racism, which is a serious social problem, toxic to any community. Often times, the gap between social classes often leads to the collapse of society.

The world state is impressive for its uniformity among its citizens, resulting in a lack of human emotion, individuality and social mobility. Huxley emphasizes the negative effects noted above using the foil caused by Bernard and John.

A theory for the most convenient use in the denouement of Huxley’s novel. Bernard and John represent the moral members of the community, yet there are so many immoral and ignorant that their efforts to achieve social justice are not strong enough to overcome adversity. In this large-scale scientific experiment conducted by the government of the World State, those who cannot learn to coexist with the environment have little chance of success.

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Dystopian novel "Brave New World". (2019, Nov 21). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/brave-new-world-paper-final-best-essay/

Dystopian novel "Brave New World"
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