History Fiction Book Blue Fingers

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By Cheryl Aylward Whitesel. This book is written in a third person omniscient point of view. The author uses words like “he” and “she” to show that the book isn’t written in a first person point of view. In this book, Cheryl Aylward Whitesel tells the story of Koji, a poor farmboy. Koji has a twin named Taro who easily outdoes Koji at everything. But then one day Koji’s life changes forever. Through a strange twist of fate, he is kidnapped by a ninja clan and taken to their hidden camp in the mountains.

He desperately wants to return home, but that is forbidden. He must forget his family and become a ninja or die. In this action-packed story, Koji must fulfill a destiny that is not meant for him. He must live in a world infused with with the mystery and intrigue of the ninja.

The main setting of this book is the Iga Mountains of feudal Japan in 1545.

The Iga Mountains is where Koji and his family live. The reason it is an important setting is the fact that ninjas and samurai live only in feudal Japan. If the setting was different, there would be no bamboo grove that led to Koji being lost and then kidnapped in their by the ninja. If Koji wasn’t kidnapped then he wouldn’t have become a ninja, and that means that there is no conflict in the book. “Countless times, Papa had warned him not to stray into this bamboo grove.

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This quote shows how if there was no bamboo grove nothing would’ve happened to Koji. The bamboo grove is basically a bamboo forest that everybody was told to avoid. Stories say that a boy had wandered into the ninja’s bamboo forest and been snatched away.

When Koji wandered into the bamboo grove he was kidnapped by a ninja and carried off to their hidden camp in the mountains. The main characters in this story are Koji and Taro. Koji is the twin of Taro. Koji is a 12 year old boy who lives in a valley between the Iga Mountains. Koji has a talent for being a very troublesome boy. When Koji and Taro were born the Japanese believed that twins were a sign of bad luck, so Koji’s parents chose Taro over Koji and tried to suffocate Koji, but Koji somehow survived. “As he pressed that wet paper over your mouth and nose”. This quote shows how Koji was destined for something great.

Taro is Koji’s twin brother. Taro has a talent for being good at everything. When Taro and Koji were born, their parents automatically chose Taro over Koji because Taro looked like the stronger and the one that would work harder. Taro no matter what still cares for his brother even if Koji does something bad. Taro also likes to be fair. “Whatever it is we’ll share down the middle”. This quote shows how fair Taro is and how much he cares for his brother.

The plot of the story is about how Koji gets lost in the bamboo grove and is then kidnapped by the ninja, Spider. The main conflict of the story is when Koji must stop Lord Udo from getting musket shipments into Japan for the samurai. His plan was to fake as Lord Udo’s son to make a fake prophecy that his son would die if the weapon shipments got into Japan. “When the smoke bomb exploded, Spider/Norimaru collapsed as if he’d been shot by a gun playing his own tune”. This quote shows how Koji, Taro, and Spider tricked Lord Udo into thinking his son would die if those weapons got into Japan. The main conflict was resolved when Lord Udo returned all of the muskets back to where they came from. Near the end of the book Koji returns to the Master Dye Maker’s shop and finds out who the chunin of Dark Fire is.

The theme of this book is determination because when Koji failed at being a ninja he always got back up and tried again. When Koji first started training he always got beat up by Spider, but as he kept training he got better and better until he was equal to Spider. Koji’s determination helped him get his family back and helped save the whole of Japan. “Koji clenched his jaw and his fists and charged First Master again and again like an attacking bull. Each time, First Master easily tossed him back”. This quote shows how Koji’s determination allowed him to grow better every single day.

In conclusion, I think Blue Fingers is a very good book. This book is filled with action and sad losses. I would recommend this book to someone who loves a lot of action and things about ninjas. I would definitely read the sequel to this book because of how much I got hooked in. I’d rate this book a 10/10, because I love action books and when I read this book it made me feel as though I were part of the story. I love how the author wrote the story without slowing it down she kept on raising the momentum until the main conflict was complete.

Blue Fingers is a historical fiction book written by Cheryl Aylward Whitesel. This book is written in a third person omniscient point of view. The author uses words like “he” and “she” to show that the book isn’t written in a first person point of view. In this book, Cheryl Aylward Whitesel tells the story of Koji, a poor farmboy. Koji has a twin named Taro who easily outdoes Koji at everything. But then one day Koji’s life changes forever. Through a strange twist of fate, he is kidnapped by a ninja clan and taken to their hidden camp in the mountains. He desperately wants to return home, but that is forbidden. He must forget his family and become a ninja or die. In this action-packed story, Koji must fulfill a destiny that is not meant for him. He must live in a world infused with with the mystery and intrigue of the ninja.

The main setting of this book is the Iga Mountains of feudal Japan in 1545. The Iga Mountains is where Koji and his family live. The reason it is an important setting is the fact that ninjas and samurai live only in feudal Japan. If the setting was different, there would be no bamboo grove that led to Koji being lost and then kidnapped in their by the ninja. If Koji wasn’t kidnapped then he wouldn’t have become a ninja, and that means that there is no conflict in the book. “Countless times, Papa had warned him not to stray into this bamboo grove.”. This quote shows how if there was no bamboo grove nothing would’ve happened to Koji.

The bamboo grove is basically a bamboo forest that everybody was told to avoid. Stories say that a boy had wandered into the ninja’s bamboo forest and been snatched away. When Koji wandered into the bamboo grove he was kidnapped by a ninja and carried off to their hidden camp in the mountains.

The main characters in this story are Koji and Taro. Koji is the twin of Taro. Koji is a 12 year old boy who lives in a valley between the Iga Mountains. Koji has a talent for being a very troublesome boy. When Koji and Taro were born the Japanese believed that twins were a sign of bad luck, so Koji’s parents chose Taro over Koji and tried to suffocate Koji, but Koji somehow survived. “As he pressed that wet paper over your mouth and nose”. This quote shows how Koji was destined for something great.

Taro is Koji’s twin brother. Taro has a talent for being good at everything. When Taro and Koji were born, their parents automatically chose Taro over Koji because Taro looked like the stronger and the one that would work harder. Taro no matter what still cares for his brother even if Koji does something bad. Taro also likes to be fair. “Whatever it is we’ll share down the middle”(pg.5). This quote shows how fair Taro is and how much he cares for his brother.

The plot of the story is about how Koji gets lost in the bamboo grove and is then kidnapped by the ninja, Spider. The main conflict of the story is when Koji must stop Lord Udo from getting musket shipments into Japan for the samurai. His plan was to fake as Lord Udo’s son to make a fake prophecy that his son would die if the weapon shipments got into Japan. “When the smoke bomb exploded, Spider/Norimaru collapsed as if he’d been shot by a gun playing his own tune”. This quote shows how Koji, Taro, and Spider tricked Lord Udo into thinking his son would die if those weapons got into Japan. The main conflict was resolved when Lord Udo returned all of the muskets back to where they came from. Near the end of the book Koji returns to the Master Dye Maker’s shop and finds out who the chunin of Dark Fire is.

The theme of this book is determination because when Koji failed at being a ninja he always got back up and tried again. When Koji first started training he always got beat up by Spider, but as he kept training he got better and better until he was equal to Spider. Koji’s determination helped him get his family back and helped save the whole of Japan. “Koji clenched his jaw and his fists and charged First Master again and again like an attacking bull. Each time, First Master easily tossed him back”. This quote shows how Koji’s determination allowed him to grow better every single day.

In conclusion, I think Blue Fingers is a very good book. This book is filled with action and sad losses. I would recommend this book to someone who loves a lot of action and things about ninjas. I would definitely read the sequel to this book because of how much I got hooked in. I’d rate this book a 10/10, because I love action books and when I read this book it made me feel as though I were part of the story. I love how the author wrote the story without slowing it down she kept on raising the momentum until the main conflict was complete.

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History Fiction Book Blue Fingers. (2019, Nov 14). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/blue-fingers-best-essay/

History Fiction Book Blue Fingers
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