Benefits of Kindness in The Will by Guy de Maupassant

Within Guy de Maupassant’s “The Will” story, the kindness of various characters brings about some important benefits. For example, Rene de Bourneval’s kindness benefits his two stepbrothers; Rene kindly shares his inheritance with the two stepbrothers.

Further, Rene benefits from his kindness; to reward this kindness, Anne Catherine-Genevieve—Mathilde de Croixluce bequeaths her entire wealth to Rene. Similarly, Pierre—Germer—Simon de Bourneval’s kindness is beneficial; after providing support to De Croixluce, de Bourneval earns all of De Croixluce’s wealthi This essay analyses “The Will” to highlight the benefits of kindness based on the following aspects: Rene kindly shares his inheritance with the two stepbrothers; to reward Rene‘s kindness, De Croixluce bequeaths her entire wealth to Rene; and after providing support to De Croixluce, de Bourneval earns all of De Croixluce’s wealthy Rene’s kindness benefits his two stepbrothers; Rene kindly shares his inheritance with the two stepbrothers.

In this regard, before she dies, De Croixluce, who is the mother of Rene, bequeaths all her wealth to the son This unequal bequeathing action leaves Rene’s two stepbrothers with no inheritance from the mother (Maupassant, n.

dt). In a demonstration of kindness, Rene offers half of this inheritance to the two stepbrothers, Rene’s donation action highlights his kindness because he is not obligated to offer any part of his wealth to his two stepbrothers. Thanks to Rene’s kindness, the two stepbrothers manage to acquire some of the wealth that has been left behind by the mother.

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This scenario underlines the beneficial effects of Rene’s kindness, Rene similarly benefits from his kindness; to reward this kindness, De Croixluce bequeaths her entire wealth to Renet On this note, De Croixluce endures various forms of mistreatment from Leopold-Joseph Gontran de Councils, the husband.

For instance, De Councils cheats on De Croixluce with various women in the locality. Moreover, De Councils treats De Croixluce not as a wife but as a mere servant. Rene observes that De Croixluce is heavily burdened by this weight of abuse. Out of kindness, Rene offers De Croixluce a listening ear; Rene not only consoles De Croixluce, he also offers her help. Thanks to this kindness, Rene ultimately benefits when De Croixluce bequeaths him with all her wealth (lbid,), From this situation, it is clear that kindness is beneficial; Rene’s kindness earns him all of De Croixluce’s wealth. De Bourneval‘s kindness is similarly beneficial; after providing support to De Croixluce, de Bourneval earns all of De Croixluce‘s wealth. On this note, De Croixluce endures much suffering in the hands of her abusive husband. After observing the troubles that De Croixluce is experiencing, de Bourneval steps in and kindly offers support to De Croixluce.

This way, de Bourneval becomes a helper and a trusted confidant of De Croixluce. To show gratitude for such support, De Croixluce ultimately bequeaths all her wealth to de Bourneval (Ibidr) This analysis shows that de Bourneval’s kindness is beneficial; such kindness enables de Bourneval to acquire De Croixluce‘s wealth. In conclusion, “The Will” demonstrates that kindness sis beneficial. To this end, Rene’s kindness benefits his two stepbrothers; Rene kindly shares his inheritance with the two stepbrothers. Rene likewise benefits from his kindness; to reward this kindness, De Croixluce bequeaths her entire wealth to Rene. De Bourneval‘s kindness is equally beneficial; after providing support to De Croixluce, de Bourneval earns all of De Croixluce’s wealth, It would be prudent to investigate why De Maupassant highlights the benefits of kindness.

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Benefits of Kindness in The Will by Guy de Maupassant. (2023, Apr 10). Retrieved from

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