Assassination Of John Lennon

“If you stay in this business long enough, it’ll get you,” John Lennon said this at Elvis Presley’s funeral, little did he know that his words would come back to haunt him. John Lennon owes most of his fame to the popular band group called The Beatles. Sadly an outraged fan assassinated Lennon because he was the most famous member out of the group. The murderer is Mark Chapman and he is still in jail to this day. The entire country mourned on the day Lennon’s death was announced.

The murder of John Lennon was a huge event in the 1980s and impacted everyone in some way. John Lennon was a singer and songwriter in the 1970s but was assassinated, on December 8, 1980. Lennon was born in 1940. John had a troubled youth due to the fact that his father left his family when John was three years old, leading to his mother not being able to take care of him.

John was then sent to his Aunt’s house but still got to see his Mother regularly. Sadly on July 15, 1958, John’s mother got in a car accident in front of his Aunt’s house. John witnessed the awful crash and it haunted him for his entire life. After this accident John became a bad student, skipping class regularly and doing drugs, which he got addicted to. Later he enrolled in an art school and found his love for music. He loved music so much that he and some of his friends created a band named the Quarrymen, but this band did not last very long.

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After the band broke up, another band called The Beatles was formed. Several years later John married Cynthia Powell and had a child named Julian. Although John and Cynthia were married for 6 years they decided to part in 1968.

Only a year after their divorce, John married Yoko Ono on March 20, 1969. After the couple got married John left The Beatles and started his solo career. Lennon’s greatest solo album success was “Imagine” and his greatest hit single was “Love Me Do”. Shortly after these hits came out, Mark Chapman came behind Lennon, shot him several times in the chest and once in the arm, and then Lennon died. John Lennon was mostly known for being a part of the famous band, The Beatles. John and his friend Paul McCartney were the people who found the band. John and Paul instantly bonded over their love of music and love of God. The two friends were often considered the glue of the group and the most talented. The group did not last though and the group broke up in 1976. People blamed Yoko Ono for the group breakup, and she was hated for that. Yoko Ono is John Lennon’s second wife was an interesting lady.

Yoko is a Japanese artist. Lennon met her in an art gallery and was so inspired by her artwork that they soon started to collaborate with their music and art. The two started knowing each other better and soon started dating. A result of them dating was that Yoko started to come to Lennon’s rehearsals with The Beatles. The Beatles did not like Yoko’s attendance and it started to separate the group, especially John and Paul McCartney. After Yoko and John got married The Beatles decided to break up. This is why Yoko is blamed for the break-up of The Beatles. Yoko is a very interesting person here’s why. Yoko was a disliked arrest but when she marries Lennon everything changes and suddenly the world loves her. Yoko also relieved an album with her husband called “Double Fantasy.” They released this album when they were in a band together named “The Plastic Ono Band”. Yoko is a talented person, she has a ton of careers under her belt including

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Assassination Of John Lennon
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