An Overview of the Different Types of Burn

Topics: First Aid

First Aid for Burn-Flesh, Eating Disease

Burns often result from heat, fire, radiation, chemicals, electricity, sunlight, and hot water. Minor burns heal quickly and usually,y all that is required to relieve the symptoms is home treatment. First-aid measures are helpful in the case where one suspects that the injury is severe.

Individuals have eating disorders when their attitudes to food, weight, body size,e, and shape lead to notable changes in their behavior, more so in eating and exercise. There are guidelines that the people near individuals suffering from an eating disorder ought to use before the help of a professional is received.

This essay is an explanation of the guidelines that the public need to follow while providing first aid for burned flesh and eating disease.

In the case of a first-degree burn, a burn that covers up to three inches in diameter, the burn should be soaked in lukewarm water for about five minutes. The cool water will be of help to the injured since it helps reduce swelling by pulling heat away from the burned skin.

Upon the removal of the soaking, the burned area should be treated with a skin care product that protects and heals the skin. The applied ointment is useful in keeping the air out of the burned skin. (Thygerson 28)

For second-degree burn, the soaking should be done for a longer time, approximately 15 minutes. The wound ought to be cleaned daily, and then an antibiotic cream applied. The nonstick dressing is essential for covering the injury.

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Any blisters that form should not be broken to avoid infections. The dressing needs to be changed daily, and any sign of an infection checked. Infections could be in the form of increased pain, redness, and pus. In case of an infection, a doctor should be seen immediately. (Thygerson et al. 47)

When the burn is too severe, the only option is to visit a hospital immediately. If possible, the burned area should be raised above the heart and covered with a cool, wet sterile bandage. Oil and butter should not be applied to burns. Damaging blisters could cause more damage to the burns. (Herndon 6)

Persons who suffer electrical burns should visit the hospital without wasting time since they generally cause damage to the organs inside the body. Chemical burns should be flushed with plenty of cool water. Nothing should be placed on the burned area including antibiotic ointment. (Clement 151)

When providing first aid to chemical burns, the service provider should wear protective gloves to stop the chemical from spilling into the skin. In the case where the chemical is in powder form, it should be brushed off the surface before running the skin underwater. Any jewelry exposed to the chemical should also be removed. A cool towel helps relieve pain. Rewashing the skin is the option when still experiencing an increased sensation. (Uthmann 89)

The eating disease can be managed with first aid, which entails several ways of ensuring that uptake of the food is prevented. Inducing vomiting is a comfiest-aid aid measure that also helps in preventing food from reaching the stomach. Excessive exercise is also a way of ensuring that the food consumed is compensated for. Too much exercise is usually helpful in reducing the person suffering in relieving the high levels of distress.

Forming a support group to assist the people suffering from eating disease is a way of providing first aid to the affected. The support group can always help the suffering meditate and find a solution to their problems. The relatives must recognize the signs and symptoms of the eating disease. People with eating disorders might benefit from group therapy, where they can be able to get support and discuss their feelings and concern.

Listening non-judgmentally to those suffering from the eating disease is also a first-aid measure. The people surrounding those who occasionally suffer from the disorder should provide a shoulder to lean on to the sick. We should avoid judging the affected concerning their poor eating habits. Instead, listening to their problems and what they wish to have is a perfect way of providing immediate help. (Hart, Jorm, and Paxton 3)

Giving support and information is of significance to those suffering from the disorder. Information regarding appropriate nutrition and awareness of the disease to the persons affected is useful in knowing the proper procedure upon realizing the symptoms and signs of the disorder. Letting the family of the affected know more about the disease should be the first step in helping people with the disorder. (Melbourne 3)

Appropriate professional support to persons suffering from an eating disorder is an important first aid guideline. After assisting the suffering during the occurrence of the disease, they should be encouraged to visit the hospital to get help from a professional. Encouraging other supports is also a critical tool that will be of help to the ill. Any willing group could be urged to provide support for the affected families.

In conclusion, damage caused to the skin as a result of burns that are not cared for and eating disorders can cause a significant burden that may be reduced by early and appropriate help-seeking. First aid for burns and mental first aid is effective in reducing excessive pain and suffering. They also help in increasing mental health literacy and supportive behaviors. First aid should only be used in providing emergency care to people who need the services. In case the first aid does not work immediate emergency medical care must be looked for to prevent complications and death.

Works Cited

  1. Clement, I. Textbook on First Aid and Emergency Nursing. Print.
  2. Eating Disorders: First Aid Guideline. 1st ed. Australia: University of Melbourne, 2008. Web. 9 Apr. 2015.
  3. Hart, Laura M, Anthony F Jorm, and Susan J Paxton. ‘Mental Health First Aid For Eating Disorders: Pilot Evaluation Of A Training Program For The Public’. BMC Psychiatry 12.1 (2012): 98. Web.
  4. Herndon, David N. ‘Total Burn Care’. Google Books. N.p., 2012. Web. 9 Apr. 2015.
  5. Thygerson, Alton L et al. First Aid, CPR, And AED Standard. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2012. Print.
  6. Thygerson, Steven M, and Alton L Thygerson. First Aid, CPR, And AED Essentials. Print.
  7. Uthmann, Sharon. ‘Quick And Popular Reads For Teens: ED. BY PAM SPENCER HOLLEY Chicago: American Library Association, 2009. 228 Pp. US$45.00 Soft Cover ISBN 9780838935774′. The Australian Library Journal 59.1-2 (2010): 63-63. Web.

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