An Overview of Classroom Management in Schools

Topics: Teaching

Classroom management is an educational term which refers to the process by which teachers and tutors make sure that learning or teaching lessons are not Interrupted or disordered by the learners. It entails a set of strategies, methods, and techniques through which the teacher ensures that lessons are not disrupted by students’ activities or characters. Classroom management can be further subdiwded into conduct management, content management, and covenant management. Effective classroom management techniques aim at achieving the smooth running of all lessons as planned by the teacher.

According to educational specialists, classroom management is one of the most challenging tasks that teachers have to face in the course of their teaching careers. Classroom management involves a variety of activities involving physical arrangement of seats. chairs and desks in the classroom, drawmg of teaching timetables. and increasing students’ participations in classroom activities. it also involves timely deliveiy of assignments for assessment of the coursework.

Through effective classroom management, the teacher is able to spend most of his or her time teaching the intended subjects of the course.

Similarly, students also spend much of their time learning new things rather than doing non-educational things such as fighting or playing computer games. Various strategies have been developed and brought foiward by educational professionals to help teachers in effective management of the classroom, Some of these strategies include paying more attention to disruptive students hence enabling teachers to control and monitor their behaviors and activities in the classroom. Behaviors of troublesome students should be regulated to ensure that they do not interfere With the concentration of other attentive students through unnecessary disruptions.

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According to Froyen and Iverson, controlling disorderly behaviors amongst students involves use of verbal and nonverbal cues.

However, if there are no changes, then disciplinary measures such as punishments may be imposed (2007). The Sitting positions in the classroom may also be rearranged if disruptions result from a group or groups of students sitting closely together. The teacher should also be able attract full attention of all students before beginning the lesson. This can be achieved through involving students in interesting and mind-capturing activities such as narrating a short but interesting story that would catch their attention The aim of attracting the attention of students before the class begins is to ensure that they will keenly concentrate during the lesson. Additionally, the teacher should always stand or sit in front of the class or be in any other conspicuous place where he or she can easily see all students. This will help in keeping an eye on all students hence reduced chances of students misbehaving in the classroom.

Moreover, the teacher can prevent classroom disruptions by establishing appropriate consequences for unruly behaviors in the classroom. Such consequences should be communicated to the students in the most appropriate manner and time, For example, students must be aware of the consequences of shouting in the class or hitting other fellow students. In my opinion, if students know the consequences, they will often refrain from distracting lessons due to fear of being punished. In my opinion, an effective teacher is one who is capable of promoting learning capabilities amongst students. The teacher must also be able to create an environment that facilitates learning processes.

Furthermore, the teacher should be able to promote positive characters amongst students so that they may grow up as responSIble and highly productive members of the society. it entails havmg the ability to encourage development of self-control and interpersonal skills amongst students. For a teacher to be effective. he or she must be able to solve problems that may arise among students effectively and with great diligence. Above alli the teacher should ensure that students are able to achieve success In their studies. In order to effectively accomplish all these duties and responsibilities the teacher must successfully manage the classroom to minimize disruptions and maximize learning capacity of students. Undoubtedly an effective teacher must thus be a good classroom manger.

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An Overview of Classroom Management in Schools. (2023, Mar 13). Retrieved from

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