An Adidas Shoe Advertisement

As I flip through my Sunday newspaper I come across a shoe ad. An adidas shoe with golden wings, soles and laces fly’s through a dark galaxy. As I focus more on wings, I notice they resemble the Greek god Hermes, the god of speed. My eyes then look to what’s behind the shoe, a dark galaxy with stars illuminating the sky around the shoe, giving accent to its gold 11 white complex. In metallic silver, the word Adidas with its famous signal bar symbol hovers underneath the shoe, giving me its brand name.

Finally I look at the shoes tip; a glowing white that reminds me of speed and endurance. I has been hooked, and this is exactly what the advertisers want. The advertisement‘s color scheme not only attracts the eye of the consumer but also funders the sporty theme in the ad.

The gold in the shoes and wings, the black darkness of the galaxy and pans of the shoe, the whiteness of the stars and shoes and the metallic silver of the sign all point to a theme of lightweight and heavy-duty.

These colors all represent something individually the gold represents goodness, silver represents strength, the white represents energy and the black represents its lightweight. Together they give us the sense of lightweight durable shoes that will increase are endurance and speed. This is what hooks the consumer into thinking they are good shoes for athletic and or daily usage. In reality, a shoe does not equal the size of a galaxy, and a logo space does not equal a fourth of the shoe.

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Their scale in size help catch the reader‘s attention into First looking at the shoe and then the logo. The background is there to give the shoe more depth and coloring.

The purpose of creating an advertisement as obvious as this is to persuade the audience into buying the product. By adding wings to the shoe and a metallic silver logo, the consumer processes the product as something that may increase their speed. Advertisers don’t need to tell you to buy a product; they don’t need to tell us what‘s cool or what’s not. We do it for them. When paparazzi catch a celebrity wearing Adidas sports shoes, they automatically become one of the most popular footwear in the nation. Also the consumer will be further influenced by the subliminal message derived from the lower case of the shoe brand logo adidas; this not only makes the consumer feel that there cool but also that if warn will make you lose weight and the fact that it is an American brand is a plus, because don’t we all even across the world want to look and buy cool American products?

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An Adidas Shoe Advertisement. (2023, Apr 06). Retrieved from

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