Amity Institute of Forensic Science


Surveillance is a keen or deep observation of something or someone who are suspicious. A criminal who is suspected by the police will be under the surveillance.

In this particular term aerial surveillance aerial refers to something that is operating in the air. It is of two types they are photos or images and videos; these are taken by operating a particular camera containing vehicle into the air.

  • Examples: – Helicopter, spy plane, drones and military surveillance aircraft (these particular aircrafts are used in the battlefield as a monitory purpose as sensors).

This is also called as radar. This aerial surveillance is much used by the different programs like HART by DARPA. They developed different flying machines like drones which can fly and record videos and click images of different places and positions in the suspicious areas.

This use of drones decreased the human operating system as they are also self-operated and self-directed.


  1. Vertical photographs
  2. Low oblique
  3. High oblique

The above shown picture is the micro air vehicle with attached surveillance camera, which can also be called as aerial surveillance.

It is used for the wide range surveillance. The united kingdom is the country who are working a lot for the build up of new drone cameras which can be used for the police forces. The amazing fact is that the aerial drones of United Kingdom can carry weapons to kill the enemies.

The US drones are capable of capturing the very small size from milk cartoon to 30,000 feet and the distance up to 60kilometers.

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They can travel very long distances.


The full form of CCTV surveillance is Closed Circuit Surveillance. And it is also called as video surveillance. The particular signals are transmitted to a connected or specific place and in the fixed monitors and it serves as video camera. It can be point to multipoint and it may be wired or wireless depending on the type of connection given to it. These are particularly used in the surveillance or suspected areas and also for the security purpose where they need. These are commonly seen in public areas, malls, shops, and even in the houses. There are different types of cameras used in CCTV from micro cameras to macro cameras. For example, a minute camera sometimes fixed in the shirt button of police officer and the media persons pen camera is also the best example. This is very helpful to bring the crime into light and to prevent several crimes it should be used.

As there is an advanced video recorder fixed in the camera and there is storage capacity, due to this they can stored for several years for the purpose of evidence or proof. Generally, the use and advantage of CCTV copy can achieve a lot. We cannot edit or change the pixels in the CCTV footage which is already present in it. Any extra information cannot be added but only it can be highlighted and we can increase the brightness and contrast for better understanding of the video or CCTV footage.

  • In the worldwide there are 350 million surveillance cameras as of 2016 survey.
  •  Asia- 65% of the CCTV cameras are installed.
  •  Videotelephony is also called as CCTV
  •  It is the technology which is useful in preventing the crimes.


  1.  Aerial photographs or images and videos can be used as an evidence in the court of law these are considered as a best evidences or proofs for the judgment.
  2.  It is also used in archaeology
  3.  Mass disasters, chasing
  4. Tracing of a missing person
  5.  In many emergencies these are used.
  6.  Used in the remote zones
  7.  It used for taking photographs in crime scene
  8.  To catch the airborne perspectives
  9.  Mapping the crime scene areas etc.
  10.  It is a movable security or a criminal predator


  1. It is a powerful tool to protect our home from the criminals
  2. It is an immovable security automated system
  3.  With in the limited space it captures the specific area
  4.  As the recorded videos are saved it serves as an evidence in the court of law and also it is considered as a best evidences or proofs for the declaration of judgement
  5. As it cannot be edited it is considered as a deciding factor


  1. Petersen, J. K. (2012). Aerial Surveillance. Introduction to Surveillance Studies, 93–121. doi: 10.1201/b12918-4
  2. Aerial Reconnaissance and Surveillance. (n.d.). The SAGE Encyclopedia of Surveillance, Security, and Privacy. doi: 10.4135/9781483359922.n12
  3. Karimaa, A. (2011). Efficient Video Surveillance: Performance Evaluation in Distributed Video Surveillance Systems. Video Surveillance. doi: 10.5772/15259
  4. A History of Photographic Surveillance and the Rise of CCTV. (n.d.). The Maximum Surveillance Society : The Rise of CCTV. doi: 10.5040/
  5. Franklin, A. (1999). The future of CCTV in road monitoring. IEE Seminar. CCTV and Road Surveillance. doi: 10.1049/ic:19990691
  6. Bradbury, S. (1999). Communications protocols and compression techniques for digital CCTV applications. IEE Seminar. CCTV and Road Surveillance. doi: 10.1049/ic:19990684

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