“Adams Heritage” of Astrid Rosenfeld

Astrid Rosenfeld’s novel “Adams Heritage” is set in two time levels and has two self-contained plot circles. The blood ties of the Jewish relationship linking both parts. Edward Cohen, who lives in this day and age, is his great-uncle Adam, who was born in 1919, never met, but should generally considered to be his image – externally, in character and tackle in his attitude, everything loose and without excessive effort.

Even his father Edward has never met. Mother Magda was pregnant after the “first time”, had disappeared when the Lord from Scandinavia.

Now she lives with her child in an unusual community with grandmother Lara and Moses grandfather, who has retired forever in his kingdom in the attic. After a few short male acquaintances Magda Jack marries – a braggart, like Grandma place. As a gemstone and fossil dealer he has no regular income, soon the debt pile, and unfortunately, it also tends to violence. Magda and Edward love him anyway.

Jack is someone who does not care about conventions and rules, and impressed a teenager.

He has at Edward cigarettes, teaches him driving. released by certificate, Edward truant to hoof it to him through the country … So it is that Edward has learned as an adult nothing right. What the heck -. Go in his shop EXPENSIVE in Berlin, the Gothic-Sorgenpüppchen like hotcakes have died as the grandparents, Edward returns to his childhood home. While rummaging he discovered in the attic of a package that is addressed to a Guzlowski Anna and was apparently never delivered.

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. So come the story of his great-uncle Adam in Edward’s hands Adam knows his father only from a photo – even though he lives in the same house. But the war-torn father is in his room, we see him eating in front of the door and hear him scream.

Although he has trouble learning, is Adam for Edda Kling man, his grandmother, very special. After being expelled from school, he just given private lessons. Then the Nazi regime begins -. In the power of “mustachioed August with his club” is. Edda and Adam cut all political heads of newspapers, glue them to the wall and study the facial features. As “August” 1939, arranges every Jew have from now on a middle name – Israel for men, Sara for women – looks Edda confirmed their theory that Adolf drinks.

Regularly coming visit, the you would not expect here: Edda’s admirers is Sturmbannfuehrer Bussler. It remains forever his number one, and only then comes Hitler. Even at his death – years after the Russian campaign – he holds a drawing of Edda in hands Adam loses his heart to Anna, a Polish Jew.. When their paths diverge, it is impossible to escape him with his relatives to London because he has to find Anna again. Bussler worried Aryan papers and a work him Edda gives him money, diamonds and her life motto with him on his journey: “. Have yourself is not to fear the only freedom we can ever attain”.

When Edward all it has read, he knows that he render a last service to his great-uncle has: he is looking for Anna and her hand over the very personal story of Adam the first part of the novel is thus the adventurous story of Edward.. It reads amusing, especially Jack, his stepfather, actually has only stupid in the head.

The second part, though he also offers us a lot of amusing in the era of National Socialism and later leads to the Warsaw Ghetto , The acting figures are characterized by their features: The confident and courageous Edda, a Valkyrie, loves everything Italian. Since they want to be served by an Italian hairdresser, she calls her Jewish just Luigi and leaves her black hair style with a blue cast. On anything and everything she drinks a Asbach, because she was once briefly with the renowned manufacturers friends.

Adam, a talented freelance thoroughly boy would go without Eddas effects chance basis. The naivete with which he goes to Poland, is frightening. An incompetent rose growers he works in Warsaw in the castle garden of the Governor General – an activity during the war, which the angry obersturmbannführer only as “decadent” can shoot down. But Adam keeps him mindlessly dahinplappernd, contrary, he fulfilled an important mission, from the very top – is deliberately to him what effect his words: A senior officer will be demonstrated, kidding … The result is a life-threatening situation that still funny acts always called.

Sturmbannfuehrer Bussler, Edda Maestro is a simple man. He believes in Hitler and sees his future in his party affiliation. As part of his promotion, he was transferred to the places of horror. He repeatedly visited Edda, and again you have to fear that he could become the Judas. Ironically, Hercules is the total verängstige little boy who lives in the Warsaw ghetto in a closet – a small episode, . part of the whole, the general military precision horror “Adams heritage” is Astrid Rosenfeld’s first novel – and a successful debut, albeit sometimes rather artificially constructed.


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“Adams Heritage” of Astrid Rosenfeld. (2019, Nov 18). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/adams-heritage-of-astrid-rosenfeld-my-review/

“Adams Heritage” of Astrid Rosenfeld
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