Abortion: Murder or Humane Decision

Topics: Abortion

Who has the right to choose the right to live, who has the right to determine whether or not; someone who hasn’t had a whiff of air or even a single thought? Who can determine whether it can be the next Albert Einstein or even Derek Jeter?

Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, and that itself makes abortion wrong and inhumane. Although there are many reasons for abortion, abortion can stop and prevent a person who could change the world, with abortion you are not only eliminating someone who could change the world by making it a better place.

Babies start developing in the womb at around 12 weeks. At around five to ten weeks they start to develop cells which make up a human body, then the major organs begin to develop. So when you decide to get an abortion, you may think that your only getting rid of a few pieces of skin and some buds.

But many times yous babies have developed a lot sooner and a lot more than you had thought. If you can’t kill an infant after you had it, it is considered murder.

You should not be able to kill an infant or a baby while it’s in the womb, that also should be considered murder. As Dr.Seuss said in Horton Hears a Who “a person is a person no matter how small”. Adoption is a great option for you and your baby; whether you’re unable to afford a baby, just don’t think you are fit to be a parent, or even if you were raped.

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Adoption is always an option, rather than killing the baby you could just give it to a family that isn’t as fortunate to have a kid, or wanting to have another baby. You can find a nice family for your baby, where he can find the emotional support of a loving family.

There’s a story of a man who was put for adoption and was later adopted by loving parents. He was put into adoption by his biological parents, that man was Steve Jobs. With his hard work, perseverance and of course love from his adoptive parents. He created the trillion dollar company known today as Apple. He was put up for adoption to where he never met his biological father. This small story shows that rather than taking away and depriving your baby of their future potential that adoption can create people like Steve Jobs. Although some people may say what about the women that were raped, why would they want to have a kid with their rapist. This is true but many women just don’t want to see the face of the man that raped them, or face the trauma and remember that man. Most women just don’t want to face the consecutive trauma over and over again. So they could still give their baby away for adoption, and not have to face the consecutive trauma.

Prevent the murder of babies who can’t think for themselves, can’t defend themselves, and allow adoption to happen. Allow adoption to create people like Steve jobs come to be, because with every baby killed the chance of change coming grows slimmer. Allow change to come, prevent the murder of innocent babies.

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Abortion: Murder or Humane Decision. (2022, Mar 06). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/abortion-murder-or-humane-decision/

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