A Literary Analysis of the Diana Marfleet in the Novel Fifth Business

Topics: Fifth Business

In the novel Fifth Business, the theme of rebirth is apparent. Diana Martieet, a volunteer nurse, is responsible for tending to the injured. One of the injured she aids is Dunstable Ramsay, the narrator of the novel. Dunstables involvements in World War l, causes him severe physical damage. Diana plays an integral part in the rebirth of Dunstable, by taking the role of a friend, mother and lover in his life.

A person with whom one enjoys mutual affection and regard is identified as a friend.

Dianals displays the act of friendship when Dunstable acknowledges, OWe were on tremendous terms in no time, for she had been nursing me since I had come to the hospital land such nourishment as I had taken had been spooned and poured into me by her; she had als0 washed me and attended to the bed dpan a rinal, and continued to do so; a girl O can do the without being tacetious or making a man feel acknowledges is no ordinary creature.

was a wonderful girl, and I am sure I gained strength and made physical progress at an unusual rate because of her.l (p. 80)

Dunstable recognizes all of Dianals efforts and affection in taking the time to assist with his injuries from the war, being comfortable around each other, in almost any given situation and helping him in the everyday tasks, that he could no longer do on his own: just as any true friend would. Dunstable believes that, if it were not for their friendship, he would not have healed so quickly.

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Dunstable is reborn in the sense, that even after all the hardship he gone through he still has someone to look upon as a true riend who treats and respects him no differently, then any other. A women in relation to a child or children to whom she has given continuous care and birth is known as a mother. Dianals demonstrates this quality of motherhood when Dunstable says, IShe regarded me as her own creationlshe fed melwashed meland lured me back into this world when I was far away. Didnt she teach me to walkshowing the greatest patience when I was most clumsy? Was she not anxious to retrain me about my habits of eating and behavior?ishe was too much of a mother to melu(P. 88)

The figure of the mother playls an integral part of the rebirth portrayed in Dunstables life, after the war. Diana teaches and provides the
early life lessons and nurturing love to Dubstable. Clearly, Dunstable tells us that Diana portrays all the behavioral qualities, which define a mother. By simple definition, one who feels sexual love for another is described as a lover. Dunstable proclaims his the sexual love towards Diana, when he sayls, UThus we became lovers in the fullest sense, and tor me the experience was an important step towards manhood, which had been thrust upon me so one Isidedly in the trenches.! (p. 85) Dunstable makes love for the first time with Diana Marfleet. He acknowedges this experience of sexual intercourse as an maturing factor and an important step towards his manhood. Clearly, one can perceive that Diana plays a fundamental part in the rebirth of Dunstable, by taking the role of a friend, mother and lover in his life.
Friendship, family and love are all essential aspects of life that must be experienced, in order to reach self-fulfllment.

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A Literary Analysis of the Diana Marfleet in the Novel Fifth Business. (2023, Mar 10). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/a-literary-analysis-of-the-diana-marfleet-in-the-novel-fifth-business/

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