A History of the Seven Year War in the French and Indian War

The struggle between France and England for North American sea power and colonial rule ended with the French and Indian War. The war began in 1754 m the upper Oho Valley. Two years later, the conflict spread to Europe which was known as the Seven Years’ War. One of the greatest Dates of the war that practically ended France’s power in America was the English capture of Quebec in 1759. The treaty of Pai, signed in 1763, formally ended the war against America, making Great Brain master of Canada and the lands between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River.

These terms ended French power in the New World and made Great Bain supreme, Although the tensions between both England and its colonies were released, there was still no acknowledgment of any Severance of the clones from England. Processing the war, Britain passed daw Acs, which Colonists regarded as, for the most part, unbearable. These new Acts and the determination for colonial independence and uniformity made the separation of the colonies from England inevitable.

Because colonists proved resistant to British control, Brith policies were forced t be relaxed. Even0, though the colonial assemblies reluctantly continued to respond to Brltsh’s needs, The British Empire was in great need of organization. With the terttorllannexations of 1763, the Bish Empire neal doubled in Siz, making a difficult rule. Because of this, and other factors such as England’s war reparations was necessary that Brian seeks greater control over the colonies. English government made efforts to find a way to deal with fs war debt, and the effort to do this was made by raising the already high taxes.

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According to Document C, the resolution “caused great uneasiness land consternation among the British subjects on the continent of America.” In the past, England had Viewed its colonial empire in terms of ade. To prevent an escalation of the fighting that might threaten western ade, the Proclamation Act of 1763 was instituted. This prevented settlers from advancing beyond ane drive along the Appalachian Mountains. Document A, this one was established 1 keep colonists from infringing upon Native American lands. ThProclamationon Act regarded England’s most important markets and investments, which were located east. Bligh controlled colonist movement westward To mady the eastern population 0 Benet Brain’s markets

Tmarketslamation Act of 1763 was one of the first insisted acts passed By England. AS the years progressed, new Acts were passed by Great Britain to establish more consol over the American colonies. Among these, the Stamp Acts was passed by the Brith Parlament in 1765 to raise even, requiring that stamps be used for all legal and commercial documents, newspapers, etc. in the American colonies, John Dickenson of Document | made clear that authorities impose dues on the colonies for the single purpose levying money.” In March 1766, was repealed because of strong colonial opposition. This step, however, was accompanied by a Declaratory Act setting forth the Parlaments supreme power over the colonies in matters of taxation as well as all the matters of legislation (Document E). The brain was only adding insult to injury by the creation of new acts because colonists began 0 adopt the idea of no taxation without representation.

The reason that the colonies were able to separate from England was because of confidence and determination. Orginal the colonies were not song enough fo function on their 8s an individual country. ae the aid of Great Brain vas essential. Document H states that without being incorporated, the one [country] must necessarily govern: the greater must rule the less.” The extreme acts passed by Brianaree pushed the colonists over the edge. By 1774, the united colonies ose ver Great Britain to enhance the inevitably of the separation of the colonies from England.

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A History of the Seven Year War in the French and Indian War. (2022, Jun 13). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/a-history-of-the-seven-year-war-in-the-french-and-indian-war/

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