Why Babies On Cry

Heidi Murkoff first wrote What to Expect the First Year in 1989. And according to the New York Times and USA Today, women have labeled it the “pregnancy bible” and is read by 93% of women who seek out pregnancy books. Also, the What to Expect series has sold over 34 million copies and printed in 30 differently languages. Heidi claims that “listening to a baby’s wail can be upsetting and anxiety-provoking” though it “doesn’t seem to hurt a baby, it certainly leaves a [physical and emotional] mark on Mom and Dad.

”  According to Elizabeth Ford, ………, some of the common reasons infants cry is that, “they are hungry, want to be held (feel secure), uncomfortable (need to be changed), hurting/in pain (reflux or bigger issues), if they are tired, may be if they are hot or cold.”

According to What to Expect.com, there are 6 reasons babies cry, even though the article is misnamed. The first is the “I’m hungry” cry and is “a low-pitched, rhythmic, repetitive cry, combined with other signals such as rooting for the breast, a sucking motion with her tongue, or putting her fingers into her mouth.

”  Second is the “I’m tired or uncomfortable” cry, which results in “a whiny, nasal, continuous cry that builds in intensity”  Third, “I’ve had enough” cry results in “ a fussy, whiny cry. . . may try to turn head or body away from overstimulating sights or sounds.” Fourth, “I’m bored” cry “starts out as coos [to get attention] then turns into fussing [when ignored], then builds to bursts of indignant crying [and/or], alternating with whimpers [heartbroken].

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The fifth cry is “I’ve got colic” cry and “ is an intense wails or screams, accompanied by fidgeting movements.”  The final cry is “I’m sick”. These are “soft whimpers that are weak and nasal-sounding, with a lower pitch than the ‘pain’ or ‘overtired”.

“Swaddling is wrapping a baby in a blanket snugly. This provides the baby with security and it also helps the baby with their own startle reflex. In the early days after birth it may also assist with the baby’s regulation of temperature. The baby’s startle reflex is also known as the Moro Reflex and is when the baby feels a sudden loss of stability; they feel like they are falling. A parent can tell that the child is having this reflex when they quickly/suddenly spread out their arms and then bring then in and usually this is accompanied by crying. This happens for about the first 4 months of life and maybe longer in premature babies. Swaddling may work for some babies because it can help with the regelation of the over load to the nervous system. It is important to discontinue swaddling after this reflex has stopped or if the baby starts to roll. Swaddling does come with risk and you have to monitor, if the baby starts to roll there is a risk of suffocation if the environment is to hot it can cause overheating and some have begun to relate hip dysplasia to swaddling. And swaddling past 4-5 months can lead to another group of delays.”

The What to Expect website gave great information on how to help babies that cry for reasons other than feeding and burping. Attempt to determine if the infant is  tired or uncomfortable- check the diaper and make sure the baby is getting enough sleep. had enough-remove the baby from noises, unusual stimuli, to a familiar setting.  bored-interact or pick up the baby.  sick-illness in babies is usually nothing serious but still uncomfortable for baby.f It is also stressful for parents and the baby may pick up on that. Make sure you care for yourself and contact the doctors office with concerns. There are many techniques for reducing crying. Some of the techniques that are not effective are: ignoring the infant, letting them cry for an extended period, and disciplining or spanking the infant. Babies cries are difficult to decipher sometimes. Patience and seeking advice are key.

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Why Babies On Cry. (2021, Dec 17). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/why-babies-on-cry/

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