Whales Aren’t Safe At Sea  

Topics: The HelpWhale

Seaworld owns a third of the captive .Whale population half of theses were bred and born In captivity .Which means they have never seen the ocean .It also means they are safer in Captivity and are three-time less likely to be hurt or harmed . Their just over all safer thereThey lack natural instincts to live in the sea . Their better off in their clear blue filtered tanks . They wouldn’t be able to thrive in dangerous ocean filled with massive sharks and boats .

They wouldn’t even fear humans wich would pulmet the whole entire orca race into extinction due to over hunting them. Another thing would be polluted ocean oil spills would not fit them .In conclusion these whales don’t have the skills to cope with such waters.

The whale that wasn’t was named free willy A six ton orca whale was released into the world from his small tank . Where he spent the last of his life out .

The free willy whale originally named Kieko was born on September 24th 1976 . Born in an iceland at a sea park he became a great whale with great talent . He was then sold to seapark in Mexico City where was noticed .And was picked to be a part of an epic movie called “Free willy” where his journey to being Free would begin . The film was a heartwarming made for all people to love an epic about a whale getting to freedom .But behind it all the whale was never free he was takin back to his home in mexico .

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Crowds of people upset to find such news did not do the seapark any good .

But they still could not release the whale they didn’t have the money to do such the price was set at 20 million dollars. Everyone wanted set the whale free but no could pay the price. This news devastated millions this whale they had all see this whale that was never going to be free . So the millions of people were quite heartbroken over the supersize star. So much that all of them banned together to raise the money to free the whale . Kieko was then taken to greenland to a sea cage where they thought he would a pod witch he could not have done. Because in the wild if whale loses its pod they can not find another to another one .

It would be impossible to do such he was in the rehab for two months .And was take in out of the sea and released into the ocean where did not eat and would roam to boats. He did not no how to get food for himself and was mostly dependent on humans as far as feeding when all was done the account for the whale was dry . And he was stuck there without help so then ASPCA took over . And made a tough love plan where they would not come close to the whale or anything only to watch him . This plan worked and the whale left to iceland he was found on the shore playing with people . A couple days later the great star washed up on the shore making this the end of the great giant . He was found to been starved but could a person expect who has lived in captivity its whole to had fed himself or go and find another pod.

The thought is Impossible and dangerous and would not help the whale population. Just imagine if this happened on a larger scale humans releasing whales and all the other sea creatures they wanted. It would spell death for all of them we would lose trillions of money burning threw the working american pocket. But not everybody feels this way about the seaworld , Gabriela cowperthwaite was the main leader of this she made the movie blackfish .Which talks about the abuse of whale and how they should be let go. This brought even more problems for the people at seaworld people had questions and seaworld had answer . One of them was why is seaworld still breeding whales.

After so many failed tries this was one of the biggest issues . And would be the breaking point of seaworld at the end of it all seaworld shut its breeding program down for good . And made its last 22 whales the last generation of orcas . This was not only a total lost for them but for all orcas in the wild .The reason why is because the money they were making was not only for the whales that was there but for ones out at sea. The money was going to save the whale spread out there horizon so they can be able to roam were they want . But at the same time be away from danger.

And harm. This would increase the whale population from a mear 1000 to well over 1500. The release of the whales into the ocean is not going to happen. Another topic was brought up about sea cages and how they work . which would cost millions to build on pen but they want built on a larger scale which would cost maybe billions . And could we get all 22 whales there it would be a large scale of deaths . But at the end it all comes to why was seaworld using the whales because that what people were having the most problem with. In the beginning which was 1960 the first whale shamu was used for just entertainment. But as time continued they realized that the whales could used for something special they might even change the world it could help.

The people better understand the whales out in the ocean . So they began using the whales for science reasons and that help them better understand .The way whale pod works and they can make them work there . They still use this today it helped them with more than just the way a pod works it helped there breeding program out as well. It helped the whale population by a lot and it brought the whale population out of extinction . And gave the whale loving people a hope for the future of the orca whale population . So why would a person want to stop the whale breeding program that might save a dying species . Most people could not even tell you why they wanted the whales free to begin with “The orca whale has the second biggest brain of all marine life “(phys.org) there very intelligent creatures who have very strong bonds with each other .They live and thrive in pods which are basically whale familes.

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Whales Aren’t Safe At Sea  . (2022, Feb 27). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/whales-aren-t-safe-at-sea/

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