Tunnel at the End of the World

Have you ever heard the saying there’s a light at the end of a tunnel? Well I like to think black holes are a tunnel at the end of light. Black holes are literally that, black holes, though the only reason they are black holes is because they absorb almost anything and everything that comes in their path. There gravitational pull is so strong light cannot escape, that includes any person that dare come near. And if you do dare, I hope you like being a metaphorical noodle.

Because if you enter a black hole you will be stretched across time and space…like a noodle. However, a black hole certainly has other properties to it rather then just death, allow me to continue.

To start, In 1911, John Wheeler named what we familiarly call Black Holes. However, they have also been known as dark stars and frozen stars, this is mainly due to the fact that a black hole is what happens when a star collapses.

Basically it folds into itself till its about the size of New York City, occasionally really small ones, coming out to be about the size of an atom. Although that may seem small, they grow huge absorbing light and energy to grow larger. Black holes are divided into three size classes such as stellar, intermediate, and supermassive.

Specifically, Stellar is the smallest size a black hole can be, with its mass ranging from 1 solar mass (the mass of our sun or exactly 1.989 x 10^30 kilograms) and 100 solar masses.

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Intermediate black holes have only been hypothesized on, due to there recent discovery and they have been estimated to be hundreds to thousands of solar masses. Supermassive black holes can be in the range of millions and billions of solar masses. A supermassive is found at the center of a galaxy. Ours is Sagittarius A*, which is 4.3 million solar masses. The reason these big ones are at the center of galaxies is because their gravity is so strong that the galaxy ‘stays together’ like how we orbit our sun. There gravity is so strong actually, that they not only absorb light but that the light can’t escape once in its pull.

Naturally, One would think that a “star” so to speak, would have a high temperature, when its quiet the contrary. The temperature of a black hole is close to pretty much 0 when your talking about earth. But if you want to be accurate, the exact temperature is 0.00000006 Kelvin. Even at that however, is coming from a supermassive black hole. And still most of that comes from the molecules around it, kind of like an atmosphere. But black holes don’t really have atmospheres, an atmosphere is what happens when molecules bounce up then come back down and repeat. When molecules come near a black hole they get sucked in and never come out. But they can however orbit a black hole “…but thinking those constitute an atmosphere is like thinking that the moon constitutes the surface of the Earth.’ Tucker Matis states.

Believe it or not, black holes are invisible! That’s due to the fact all the light is being absorbed and none is getting bounced back onto our eyes. They don’t even emit any radiation.Now your probably asking, well how do we know they’re there? Well, the only way you could detect a black hole is if you see the light distortion around it, but by then you would be dead. “the reality is that a fraction of black holes are in binary systems, but that’s our only way to detect them.” Is a quote from the website https://www.universetoday.com/127942/closest-black-hole/. That is the only way we know how to detect one of these celestial bodies.

You know, I keep bringing up the fact you would die if you went even remotely close to a black hole, but how exactly does one die in a black hole? To be specific, in a stellar black hole you would slowly , as you enter the event horizon be stretched so far apart until you rip. Then you become one with the hole. With A supermassive black hole, you would pass the event horizon no problem, but the minute you enter the hole itself you will be compressed and again, become one with the hole. But I wouldn’t worry cause the closest one to us is V616 Monocerotis. V616 Monocerotis is 3,000 light years away and has 9-13 times the mass of our own sun, that may seem close but really isn’t. The next closest one at 6,000 lightyears is Cygnus X-1, and that one has about 15 times the mass of our own sun.

Unbelievable, astronomers estimate that there could be from 10 million to billions of stellar black holes at least 3 times our own sun in the milky way alone. And with that many black holes, god knows what could happen. If a Star comes to close to a black hole, just like any person, can be torn apart. But, the star would have to be close, because black holes do not suck. Things just fall into a black hole, rather than being sucked in like a vacuum. They would have to be in the outer event horizon, because once they enter that layer there is no escaping. The outer event horizon is only one of 3 layers though. The three layers to a black hole are the outer and inner horizon, and then the singularity, which is the place where spaghettification occurs.

In short, a black hole is nothing to be tested with. The reason these celestial bodies are so deadly is the properties that make them up. And now that you know what these things can do, and the reason they do them. Maybe you’ll re-think that idea of being a noodle.

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Tunnel at the End of the World. (2022, Apr 19). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/tunnel-at-the-end-of-the-world/

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