Traditionalists vs Generation Z

Topics: Generation X

The world evolves from generation to generation, we are now in the 20th century ( Generation Z) a lot has changed since the 19th century (Traditionalists). Comparing the life situation & workforce of both Generation.

Traditionalists are now in their 70s and 80s. Most of them have taken their retirement if not they are higher up managers or just on the board of directors means while Generation X is in they are at the peak of their career.


Traditionalists also known as the silent generation have been taught long before they were drawn to start work, they were given an example throughout their parent’s modern way of working in their everyday life.

They were taught to do more with less and known to work collaboratively. Traditionalists believe that you earn your way through hard work & labor & rely on respect and loyalty & which reflects in their workplace values & ethics.

They were civil minded & loyal to their country & employers, in fact, the They are ver the largest voting population in the United States of America.

Dissimilar Generation Y & Generation Z, a lot of traditionalists have remained with the same employer throughout their professional leadership working careers. They are unlikely to change jobs to claim they later in their carrier more likely than the younger generation, even though they asked for the same loyalty in exchange.

Traditionalists with technology

When it comes to technology we can’t expect the silent generation to be experts in tech the younger generation adapts & function faster & more efficiently.

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They’ve grown up with radio & wy after with time & evolution the black & white screens were introduced, it was most of the time around the black & white screen TVs with the family all watching together. They had very few Chanel’s, the first couple channels were the news, and weather & the rest were radio stations. They didn’t grow up with the advantage we have now in the 21st century, they didn’t have flat-screen TVs, laptops, smartphones, or cinemas. We have many advantages compared to the traditionalist & today’s generation.

Historical Events

The Traditionalists have gone through many historical events, One of the biggest tragic events was The Great Depression in August 1929 & more along the way the end of world war II , The Cold War in 1947, and The Civil Rights Movement. They are known as the silent generation because they were raised during a period of war & economic depression.

The Civil Rights Movement

The end of the American Civil war in 1864 effectively meant it ended slavery but, African Americans were in for a long struggle before they were awarded equal rights. After 1870, all males were allowed to vote. However, African Americans were discouraged by violence & eventually legal stipulations.

In 1896, the Supreme Court ruled to maintain racial segregation in private organizations, It caused applications of Jim Crow laws. As a result, African Americans were treated as second-class citizens. Set apart schools for all ages both races separated from each other, including public transportation & public restrooms, they weren’t even allowed to eat, or sleep around the white Americans. It had gone on into the 1990s.

In 1909, a leading group of black & white campaigners created the national association for the advancement of colored people so-called NAACP. Their goal was to increase racial equality & change issues like the Jim Crow laws. Unfortunately, it was between 1910 & 1930 that the supersets group the Ku Klux Clan raised to its big and est expansions & increase racial friction, following the first world war the NAACP was dedicated to ending the lynching by white vigilantes by mid-century, the group became instrumental in a famous class-action suit filed in 1951 which was Brown Vs the bored of education of Topeka., They asked segregation in schools to be taken down, Taken to the supreme court the case resulted in the first integrated school in the United States to have been opened at the end of 1955. With this decision, the civil rights movement began to have high-profile boycotts, marches, sit-ins & more peaceful protests.

These include the famous Rosa Parks with the Montgomery supported the bus boycott. By 1962 the universities also began to integrate African Americans but weren’t as welcomed as an equal as they should have been, but with the support of John F. Kennedy & his brother Attorney General, Robert Kennedy. As JFK said “ a Great changed at hand, & our task, our obligation is to make that revolution, that change, peaceful & constructive for all’ On June 19, 1963, He proposed a civil rights bill to congress, which was approved in 1964 after his tragic death was support from president Lyndon Johnson. The bill stuck with existing legislation that allowed for discrimination & its approval was largely influenced by Martin Luther King Jr. & the march in Washington in August 1963. In M.L.K.J speech “ With this faith, we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood, That march & speech made a lot of influence. Following that, the voting rights act of 165 ended the prejudiced voting system. Life was still a little bit difficult for the African Americans,

which followed the principles of Malcolm X came in, rising to be heard in the 1950”s, has rascal idea advocated militancy for African Americans, too his words precisely “ black people are dissatisfied, They’re not only with the white man but dissatisfied they’re dissatisfied with these negroes who have been sitting around posing as leaders & spokesman for black people & making the problem worse instead of making the problem better. He remained a huge influential & conversational human rights activist un his assignment in 1965. The murders of civil rights leaders continued when Martin Luther King Jr, was killed in April 196 & Robbert Kennedy two months after. Despite racial tensions continuing into the 1990”s, progress has been measurable. The election of President Obama in 2008 has been seen by a lot to be the culmination of this century of work in favor of racial equality. President Obama’s exact words “ This is the meaning of our liberty & our creed why men & woman & children of every race & every faith can join in the celebration across this magnificent & why a man who’s fatherless then sixty years ago might not have been served at the local restaurants can now stand before you take the most sacred oath.

Generation Z

Generation Z also referred to as the generation, Igen or post millennia’s, attention span, Generation Z processes information faster than any generation, including traditionalists, Gen x lives in a high tech world of constant updates, & having grown up with access to the internet such as smartphones & laptops, accessing social media apps on these devices using applications such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & a lot more platforms, their attention span is lower then traditionalists or any other generation. A study showed that 6% of the silent generation & older generations believe 13 years old is an appropriate age for owning a smartphone or any kind of mobile device as high as 18% of Gen z members think it’s a normal age.

Multitasking is a short attention span that is not always dawis not always dawed back & what generation z lack in focus, they make up for in their Multitasking capabilities. Gen Z can work on a school assent in their computer and research their iPad, all while taking notes & in the evening they will often sit in front of the tv watching a movie at the same time chatting on Facebook from their phones or laptop.

Independents Vs Collaborative

71% of Generation Z say they live by the phrase “ If you want to be done right then do it yourself. Generation Z tends to be more competitive & will adopt a “do It yourself” mindset in personal & professional activities & when it comes to workspaces 69% of Generation Z would rather have their workspace than share it with others, was the silent generation would opt for a collaborative working environment where they could team up with their colleagues.

The Technology Pioneers

In the digital world, 40% of Generation Z say that reliable WI-FI is more important than reliable bathrooms. According to Pew Research, only 14% of U.S adults had access to the internet in 1995 but by 2014 87% had access. The other generation saw firsthand how social media revolutionized the way we communicate. They were pioneers in the digital age, witnessing the invention of smartphones, instant messaging & the internet & its search engine. Generation Z was born into the tech society & so has a very different perspective. Face to face was more of the silent generation’s way of keeping connected, contrary to Generation z way of communicating which is through digital chats. All this technology has also had an effete on how these generations differ with communication 73% of Generation Z say they prefer to communicate face to face with colleagues in the workplace… as we just mentioned, The silent generation pioneered many digital communication tools, which revolutionized how we do business. But with today’s generation performing a more personal approach, maybe they have the ideal generation to hit the right balance between online & offline communications


In Concussion, Gen z is shown to have different requirements & motivational factors than the earlier generations. This generation is mixing its own unique needs into the workplace as they enter the organization. It is crustal for the organization to see what’s important to the newest generation which Gen Z before too boast attrition within & outside the company in order to establish a corporate culture & workplace to win more distinctive advantages in the search for new striving talent within generation z with a return of Historiansustained organizational growth & maintain the organization to strive to success & allow Generation Z to revolutionize the workforce generations.


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Traditionalists vs Generation Z. (2022, May 14). Retrieved from

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