The wonders of exercise Daniel Glattauer Review

Daniel Glattauer newest Opus is not a narrative but a small, amusing chamber play for three people. The now internationally successful Viennese author – journalist, columnist, novelist – has advocated accepted the prolific subject of a fractious middle-aged couple and sends the two into a couples therapy. In the stage play “The miracle exercise” we will one day (the first performance of 2015 is to be expected) to witness the course of one and a half hour meeting with the consultant; until then, we can read the Deuticke output or the excellent “audio book version of” 3899038886 enjoy with Andrea Sawatzki, Christian Berkel, Wolfram Koch and Peter Jordan.

Joana and Valentin Dorek have been married for seventeen years and have two children (13 and 15). The historian and the engineer in aircraft met each other in a diving course in Egypt. The former mutual fascination under water ( “Harmony without words”) has dried up in everyday life, though still not quite crumble. Underground yet delicate seedlings slumber cohesion, even of affection; they let the two previously by separation refrain and now motivated them to see a pair of consultants.

Its task is to bring the two to the fact that they find, cherish the stunted rootlets and spilled shoots and awaken to fresh life.

But can until it come to that, only encrusted rituals must be broken. The most trivial keywords trigger the full range of accusations, allegations, statements and exposure positions; it comes to interrupt, undercutting, over rumble and Trump.

The two are experienced fighters and treat each other as equals.

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Cleverly they know the strengths dodge the others and to use his weaknesses. They counter-witted, responding presence of mind to use brilliant rhetorical tricks like biting irony, humorous exaggerations, hearty exaggerations, refreshing puns. Communicative both dominate all the stops – downplay, provoke, interpret, tell on that mediate

What prepares those concerned bitter pain, we can smile with amusement from a safe distance viewers / readers and enjoy.. Since the clichés (rattle “My husband heard […] only what he wants to hear.” – “… because you let anyone have their say.” – “I would say it is very … spirited. Hitzig, one could also say it is very fast to one hundred eighty, if you understand what I mean.. “-” Yes, responsibly, he is – in the office, where he is so responsible that for home unfortunately nothing remains. . “-” … this unsavory sexual affair with -. Brischit “-” and […] what Guido “) and ignites miss a pun (” historian “/” hysterical “), but the intelligent slugfest far outweighs ( “My husband knows all my concern, my main concern, my side concerns, all my concerns. and he knows them always before me.”).

the inscrutable tactics and verbal mantras the consultant give pleasure: “want to work together”; work out what everyone appreciates the opposite of what “everyone wants for themselves” and then “to take Unifying eye” that; are simply not viewed as a referee; Do not give concrete advice; belobigen over again. He tirelessly engages the grab bag of his therapy repertoire and surprises its customers (and us) with a number of really original and meaningful exercises. (The author is not a layman. He has completed a two and a half years of training as a psychosocial consultant and also learned couples therapy)

The bottom line of the consultant bear fruit soon little patient, soon resolute efforts. The tough opponents trample all delicate plants, which it helps to light the sun, right back down. Until there is a twist …

The display of a desolate, but not hopeless couple’s relationship and the imaginative maneuver their advisor device for viewers to an entertaining, varied, fun Boulevard comedy that much room for identification leaves. Are not we all a bit Joana and Valentin? Even deeper insights are not intended.

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The wonders of exercise Daniel Glattauer Review
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