Individuality and Clones in Never Let Me Go

In this world every child created by any reason whether real or manufactured is still completely human. The question is do these clones have souls? Many argue that they do not, but if they didn’t would they get feelings towards love. Would this even be possible if they didn’t have a soul? These clones are just being used for organ donations and nothing else. They should have the right to manage their own life without letting others do it for them.

These individuals will try to search for love, soul and after life. The soul of an individual is based on the clones desire to search for their existence in lshiguos Never Let Me Go. As time progressed these children start to give up and do as others say. They have their own idea, Kathy wants to have a baby and live a romantic life, yet she isn’t allowed to.

Her desire of having a baby is strong, but they were set to have sex with no worries of having babies, The song “Never Let Me Go” is a meaningful song because she imagines a baby telling her not to let go.

They should be let free and live their life. They have rights just like any other human does. If this isn’t possible they should at least have the right to be informed of their origins and their futures as fully and honestly as possible. Plato‘s “Allegory and the Cave” is parallel to this story he try’s to convey to the readers that this world is not exactly the way people picture it.

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Making us stay away from the reality and what surrounds us. It is better to know the ugly truth rather than a beautiful lie, These clones live in the cottages not letting them see what surrounds them; Therefore restraint to live a “normal” life.

As these clones grow older they try finding their possible. The “possible” is the person from whom they might be copied from, This was important for students because we can say they can picture their future. Not necessarily meant they were going to be just liked them but you would see something of what your life held in store. The love for the same guy had separated Kathy and Ruth, but then got the idea of who really felt love among each other. Tommy‘s gallery theory and anger was that Madame was connected to them just for the sole purpose of cloning there donations when they fell in love. Would Tommy and Kathy prove their love and fight? I think the purpose of having students make art was to demonstrate and prove to the public that they have souls and deserve to be treated humanely. The lost hopes Tommy, Kathy and Ruth have as childhood age might be found in Norfolk.

This was something they imagined and had faith in. This individual just wanted a happy after life. Some rumors where told that if two clones can prove that they are truthly in love they can stop there carer for a few years They would have time for each other and be happy for ones in their life Ruth says “when we lost something precious, and we‘d looked and looked and still couldn’t find itthe still had the last bit of comfort, thinking one day, when were grown up, and we were free to travel around the country, we could always go and find it again in Norfolk” (Ishiguro 66} We need to find a way to get out of the darkness, The ones that stay in the cave are afraid to be part of the real world this resembles to Plato‘s theory Its better to die fighting for freedom than to live life in chains, but seemed like every time they saw some light somehow it then disappeared.

As soon as the deferral was a myth Kathy and Tommy couldn’t be together there was nothing much to do, The love they felt for each other couldn‘t be revealed, Even though they tried to fight for each other the easiest way out was resign their freedom and love They might have taken Tommy the guy she loved, but the memories she had with him through childhood to adulthood will always reamintKathy says “But I don’t go along with that, The memories I value most, I don’t see them ever fading, I lost Ruth, then I lost Tommy, but I wont lose my memories of them” (Ishiqous 286).She argues that they could take what’s in her body, but can’t change her mind or heart Norfolk was a place where lost things were found Kathy and Tommy’s love was lost, but she when she goes to Norfolk she imagine.

Tommy running toward her. I think the boat will keep both couple together until they meet in the other after life, As this clones where caved with no exit just made each individual strong and manage to support each other .They are treated as robots with no soulsi There is still feeling in them they should be treated with equal human rights I believe that robots are just as capable as any other being to have souls Being trapped in a cave attached not knowing they can leave was hard. It is conclude that cloned human beings created have their own soul and should deserve all the same dignity and respect given to any other human life Don t let others control your happiness Each of us should control our own destiny, It is conclude that cloned human beings created have their own soul and should deserve all the same dignity and respect given to any other human life.

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Individuality and Clones in Never Let Me Go. (2022, Dec 13). Retrieved from

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