The Significance of Parents in Child Development

We are yet children, the seeds that have been planted and hoped to grow into that one tall and sturdy tree, but the moment we try to break away from our roots and follow the paths of others not only will we fail to become that tree but also that we will never be recognised as the seeds we are! From a child’s first breath to their first word, from their first step to their very first tooth, parents have always been there to protect and cherish that every moment.

We are the part of them, our relation to them is the relation of the body and the blood that runs in it to keep it alive, whereby the child is the body and blood that runs through it is our parents love, wishes and prayers that are always with us. Regardless of how far we may be from them one day we cannot break this tie as we were engaged to it from the very first second of our existence.

Life is a long ride that will eventually lead us to our own paths and scatter us in our different directions but no matter where this ride may lead it will follow the reflection of our parents footsteps. The happy and loving home they provided us with, the advice they have given to us have moulded our tiny brains and hearts to think and feel the way we do.

Nobody has as much as influence as our parents do in our lives, even if we may not be very close to them what they do and how they are around us develops the same kind of reaction inside us.

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If others influence us and we tend to follow them hence getting at a difference with our own parents we will split into many different ways because every other person sees a different vision and insight to our lives. Besides if we try to break away and isolate our selves from the lives of our loved ones then what a failure we are trying to fit within the life of others! We cannot escape the fact that parents are the most important people in a child’s life and become the conscience that lives within them. We cannot question our selves of the significance and love that we have for our parents with that of any other. It is very true that we need not only our parents but also our environment and our community to build up the people we become then again our parents are the only ones that can truly see who we are and without them we would wander ourselves into all kinds of failures and difficulties before reaching any success. People around us can help us but even though cannot help us in the best ways because we are a different person in every other’s eye. Meanwhile our parents understand what’s most important for us, they understand our strengths, and our weaknesses and can create in us the determination that we need.

It is only when we ask those who may have lost their parents and orphans who have never had parents the importance and value of having them near us today. For those who are blessed with a father and a mother may not realise it but their parents hold a very special place within our hearts because of which what ever they may say, good or bad, gets to us, it touches our hearts and we react the way we do. Parents guide their children with what may seem as small advice but has a big meaning. They teach us with their failures and guide us with their success. Wisdom comes with the walk of life and so what they have learnt from their lives is what they want to teach us, they do not want us to fall the same way they did, they do not want us to fear what they feared, to face the troubles they faced. All these feelings and thoughts cannot be felt for any child by anyone else except for his/her parents. Look inside your self, and you will find they live in every corner of you, in your every breath and there is no way that you can take this away because you will always remain a part of them. They say a child is like a … Your parents are the most important part of your life; don’t take long to understand that because you don’t know what you have got till it’s gone, all gone…

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The Significance of Parents in Child Development. (2022, Sep 28). Retrieved from

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