The Roman Empire and Its Famous Architecture

Topics: Roman Art

Trajan was a very grand emperor who was known for his military abilities as he led his troops to many victories including three major battles which was the main reason why the empire had expanded so far. Trojan was also known for his architecture. This includes his improved roads, aqueducts, and public baths for the people. He followed an emperor who was very corrupt and began to implement rules to benefit those affected, mainly by freeing/releasing prisoners and recalling exiles.

Julius Caesar (Gaius Julius Caesar): Julius Caesar was a diplomat who rose to power through his military conquest including one known as the conquest of Gaul where their feared enemy was conquered under his command. He rose to fame and began to do grand things for the empire including reforming the calendar known as the Julian calendar, and rebuilding Corinth and Carthage which were destroyed by this very empire and he wanted to add to the history of the empire.

He also constructed more architecturally brilliant buildings including the Forum of Caesar and the Temple of Venus. Julius Caesar also fixed the broken economy as he implemented measures to increase taxes and increase wages for the poor. His system of finance has benefited the poor and given them options of work which helped them to merge with society.

Augustus(Gaius Octavius): Augustus was Rome’s first emperor and during his 40-year reign, he had doubled the size of Rome by implementing new infrastructures and creating a brilliant financial system that included taxes on the people which developed the provinces even further.

He even went as far as to abolish the tradition known as private farm tax which was the process of collecting taxes implemented to certain people which was unfair to the public. He implemented police officers and firefighters to protect and maintain order in the empire. Hadrian (Publius Aelius Hadrianus): Hadrian was a Roman poet who had risen to power and was described as the most artistic emperor of the Roman Empire. Hadrian is known for the architecture he implemented in the empire including the Hadrian wall, Hadrian’s Library, and Mausoleum. He participated in many military activities and is known for his financial aid towards his citizens by allowing them to receive money from the state if they applied correctly. Marcus Aurelius (Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus): This roman leader was different from most the other leaders. His motto was to satisfy every citizen’s wants/desires in the best possin=ble manner. He refined finances for them, provided them security against their rivals, and was one of the only emperors to write about his thoughts/experiences so that we know about what was going on in his empire. Heart: religious beliefs The roman beliefs were divided into two which was that ancient spirits were watching over them whether it be the ancestors or anything else. They also believed in public gods like Jupiter and Mars which they worshipped and sometimes with the divine priest leading in the worship. They had ceremonies in they believed pleased the gods and were required for them to gain blessings from the gods which granted them prosperity for their families and their affairs. Hands: Art, architecture & tech. Advances Roman Art was heavily influenced by Greek culture. The art was created to show the power of the emperor and to keep records.

They created a lot of art which included: Sculptures: (they were less idealized than greek sculptures).


  • The Spear Bearer(Doryphoros)
  • Roman Mosaics: Roman Bacchus Floor Mosaic, Alexander the Great & Bucephalus Mosaic, and Dionysos, Roman Mosaic.
  • Paintings: Fresco wall from the house of Livia, Dionysus frieze(Villa of Mysteries).
  • Architecture: Arch of Constantine, Column of Marcus Aurelius, Column of Trajan.
  • Two key factors; Precious-Legs; labor systems two key factors; feet-Ships also arrived from Spain and France at Ostia.

All their goods could be quickly moved to Rome itself as they were taken in barges to the city up the River Tiber after slaves had transferred the products from the merchant ships to the barges. The Romans imported a whole variety of materials: beef, corn, glassware, iron, lead, leather, marble, olive oil, perfumes, purple dye, silk, silver, spices, timber, tin, and wine. The main trading partners were Spain, France, the Middle East, and North Africa. In Rome, slavery was common but it wasn’t based on race like in most countries. Parents sold their children to be used as slaves instead of the slaves being brought from some other country. The slaves could be free based on if their service was loyal or not, Slaves were considered property but they had the opportunity to gain freedom and citizenship, some even became wealthy. Slaves were not considered to be equal. They were whipped, branded, and cruelly mistreated. Slave owners were allowed to kill the slaves for any reason without any punishment whatsoever. The slaves worked in private houses, mines and factories, and farms. The slaves worked on roads, aqueducts, and the construction of buildings. The slaves were not based on race so they wore clothes to separate themselves from society.

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The Roman Empire and Its Famous Architecture. (2022, May 11). Retrieved from

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