The Problem of Digital Addiction in Our Modern World

Topics: Smartphone

The Inevitability of Addiction In a world where segregation by superficial matters still is present, there are few things that bring us all together under a single umbrella. One of these rare categories includes cell phone addiction, reaching across genders, countries, and even all cohorts of age. This diagnosis has suddenly become prevalent in our quickly advancing technological world. As our world invests in the virtual future, people find it more and more difficult to truly live in our present. Age seems to be one of the dividing factors of societal upbringing.

New evidence has shown that technological addiction in general transcends those boundaries.

Even infants are exposed to ever expanding technological industry at just months old. This addiction has simulated a vicious cycle, regenerating itself in every generation, old or new. Though early exposure may seem like the deciding factor in the onset of the ‘disease, ‘studies show that older cohorts – parents – feel that they are addicted to their devices in greater frequencies than that of their teens, “52% [of parents and] 37% of teens said they very often or occasionally try to cut down the amount of time they spend on devices.

” From these statistics, it is safe to assume that the greater frequency of reduction parallels a larger overall addiction. In this case, the age groups exposed to technology later in life are proven to have a greater technological infatuation than that of the age groups raised with the technology at birth. Furthermore, these statistics also indicate an awareness of the addiction itself, and the conscious effort being made to reduce this universal tech addiction.

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However, several unseen factors lurk behind the scenes. Though the digital detox concept means well, the ultimate breakdown of the addiction may be impossible given circumstances. As the job market demand for technologically proficient employees increases, the virtual monopoly of tech is only further solidified. Ironically, many adults also find their phones a source of stress, as jobs only further reinforce the cycle of addiction. On the other hand, social media and networking messages draw even the youngest of observers into the digital device frenzy, bringing to a table a complete entertainment complex at the touch of your fingers. Ultimately, digital addiction’s prevalence in today’s world and in the future cannot be avoided. Economically and feasibly impossible, this prognosis sets its course through all walks of life, and all kinds of people, labeling the umbrella of the future with two words: technological addiction.

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The Problem of Digital Addiction in Our Modern World. (2021, Dec 25). Retrieved from

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