Problem of Our Society Domestic Violence

Domestic abuse remains a concealed subject in our society. It is illustrated by silence- silence from those who are suffering, silence from those around them, and silence from those who perpetrate violence. This stigma leaves women, children and men to carry the burden of shame on their shoulders. It prevents them from speaking out about their abuse and it prevents them from getting help. Domestic violence at its worst can be fatal. Every three days, someone dies from domestic abuse in Arizona.

Domestic violence is an issue in our society where 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men are affected. 90% of children that are living in a home with domestic violence are aware and understand that there is a problem. Of those 90% of children, 35% of them are living through abuse themselves.

I have spoken to courageous people who had survived abuse as well as hearing stories from those who know of those not as fortunate to survive. Their silence was shattered, but only after a tragedy.

I hope that today will begin a moment when we start to expose that veil of silence. I hope we can openly talk about what is happening behind closed doors throughout Sierra Vista and put an end to this concern. I hope that victims will have the courage to speak out and to break the cycle of violence. As a city, I hope we can change the stereotype from victim to victor.

Now some of you present today know, only too well, that coercive control in the forms of mental and emotional abuse is almost always the beginning stages of domestic abuse.

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Some of you here are already working diligently and selflessly to try to eradicate it from our society. I hope very much that all of you will find a chance to make meaningful connections this evening to find new ways to bring this problem out into the open. As a City Council Candidate, I want to guarantee that the voices of those who are living with abuse are not silenced, but clearly heard

What is the value of a well-trained police force? There is a significant value of providing consistent and high-quality police training. Now, we need to invest and support their efforts so our officers are better equipped to respond to public safety challenges with confidence and success. Our police force is stronger through more extensive training that ensures officers sustain the knowledge and skill levels needed to keep themselves safe, and the public safe. The problem is that the municipal police training committee has lost the ability to proactively train the officers for day-to-day challenges—let alone emerging issues. There is no reliable funding mechanism to support training, and municipal police officers rely solely on legislative appropriation. We need to focus our spending where it matters and invest in the officers themselves instead of the high tech, overly expensive equipment.

Proper training is key to the quality public safety we seek. Realistically, we don’t have sufficient funding right now to develop critical specialized curriculum for the best practices concentrating in search and seizure, incident response, SWAT team, and officer safety and building searches. Police training is parallel to an unfunded directive. Where the public-at-large has high expectations for officer performance, I imagine our individual expectations are high in each instance where we encounter a police officer or ask officers to respond to an emergency. The time has come for us to meet their expectations and support an opportunity for access to the high-quality training they deserve.

We need to seize this moment to reverse the trend in funding and, instead, move Sierra Vista, Arizona to the forefront in leading the way for new recruit and specialized police training. Now is the time to demonstrate our importance of outstanding police officers by our actions in addition to our words. To progress and grow as a community, teamwork is central to the success of all our efforts. We need to focus on defining the legitimate problems of our rural communities. Today, I would like to concentrate on defining solutions to these problems.

Unfortunately, time has not and will not stand still for us to act. Global events we couldn’t have even imagined a few months ago have made our futures more complicated and unsure. We could never have imagined that Mexico elected Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador or ALMO, who would want to change NAFTA and trade policies. This one instance affects Sierra Vista in terms of growth and development. If ties between Mexico and the US become strained, our families would be devastated as well as those importing and exporting goods.

This instance alone creates a need for us to create solutions that allows us to react quickly while thinking analytically and logically. While we cannot predict the future, we can always be prepared. We are able to follow financial trends. We are seeing that education is becoming a leading contender in what is truly important. We can acknowledge that population growth will motivate Sierra Vista into focusing on what is truly important: our citizens and their quality of life.

In a knowledge-driven, computer-networked culture, what matters most is being a community where people want to live and relocate – a place with exceptional public schools, clean air and water, perfect recreational opportunities, low crime rates, and a common union of community pride and unity. These places are exactly where people want to live and will also be the places where companies wish to locate. There is no place better than Sierra Vista, esp. at night when you can star gaze right outside your backyard or watch nature’s fireworks during a monsoon thunderstorm.

As I talk discuss the nature of the economy, we’re not just talking about high-tech industries. We are also talking about an economy in which monetary successes are created by applying knowledge to work in any industry that raises productivity and improves quality. While we are capable of obtaining new methods to do this, the essential foundation is a strong education system. This will not only help present generations, but the future of Sierra Vista. The most important ingredient for rural economic success is education.

Based on my experiences, I have also learned what must come second and third: vision and teamwork. Every community needs to create its own image of what it wants to be. It has to be based on its own unique history, assets, and identity. There is no specific method for economic success as it has to be relevant to our key issues with the exception of the use of teamwork for a local vision. I know we can succeed if we simply work with the assets we’ve got: our intellects, our compassion, and each other – and, of course, the inspiring beautiful landscapes of Arizona.

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Problem of Our Society Domestic Violence. (2022, Nov 15). Retrieved from

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