The Necessary Change of Implementing Technology in the Education Process

Topics: Teaching

It necessary that technology be integrated into education? In the last 20 years there has been a great deal of technological advances which are beginning to completely change the face of education. Although there are still many people who are hesitant or outright against the use of technology in the classroom, it is enviable that current technology and education are eventually going to be intergraded. Despite how difficult the transition may be, the sooner teachers and other administrators in the educational system realize how vital technology is and begin to implement it, the better and more successful their students will be.

Making the transition from traditional styles of teaching to a digitally-based way of teaching will not be an easy adjustment for all educators, but it is a necessary adjustment. Marc Prensky who is an American speaker on learning and education states, “I’ve coined the term digital native to refer to today’s students (2001). They are native speakers of technology, fluent in the digital language of computers, video games, and the Internet.

I refer to those of us who were not born into the digital world as digital immigrants. We have adopted many aspects of technology, but just like those who learn another language later in life, we retain an “accent” because we still have one foot in the past. Our accent from the predigital world often makes it difficult for us to effectively communicate with our students”. In order to effectively teach these students, teachers need to adapt their curriculum and styles of teaching to match the student’s way of life.

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For an educator who has been teaching for several years teaching the same thing, using the same teaching methods, and the same materials, it is going to be very overwhelming to make the change to integrate technology into their curriculum, and even harder for those educators who are not familiar or proficient themselves in using these new devices and technology.

Fortunately todays students, of just about any age, either already know how or are capable of easily learning how to use and navigate their way through these devices. Prensky heavily emphasizes the importance of educators being willing to abandon their own predigital instincts and take cues from their 21st century students and their innovations and behaviors. In order for educators to be successful with the use of technology in their teaching, they need to be teachable themselves.

In most cases the students in their class are going to have a lot more background knowledge of whatever technology or devices that they choose to use, which means asking the students for help will be the most beneficial way to enter their technology driven world. Apple did a study involving the use of their iPads in the classroom and one kindergarten teacher who found using them in her classroom extremely beneficial, states as one of her tips for using them is “Let the students teach.”

She says, “You don’t have to figure everything out yourself. My students have gotten to where they don’t even ask me how to do things anymore. They ask their classmates. They don’t need me t show them. They look at me and they’re going, ‘yeah, we got it. Lets move on”. Its crucial to make the students an important part of the transition, not only to ensure their engagement but also beneficial for the teacher to utilize the knowledge the students already have about these devices and technology.

Many elementary schools as well as several universities have already adopted this notion of using technology in their classrooms and a lot of them have seen great success with it. Because it is still a relatively new concept, using technology in the classroom can be very exciting for the students which can lead to greater engagement and participation from the students.

One of the most common points made by many students who participated in various trials and studies where an iPad or some other form of technology was used in the classroom, was the convenience of having everything on one device. Without having to worry about several textbooks and other study materials, going to class and studying can be less stressful and take less effort which may help some students to be more motivated. With the use of todays technology there are so many different ways to easily engage students and encourage participation. By having a program that a teacher can easily share assignments, study material, or even announcements it creates a very convenient single location a student can access to stay up to date and caught up on what is going on in a class.

One of the most common concerns educators have with implementing the use of technology and online exchange of materials is that students won’t pay attention and will be off task doing other things on the device. Whereas that may be true, in one study where students in education classes were given iPads for the class, reported that they did use the iPads for accessing social media sites or other “off task” behaviors, but also stated that “contrary to the belief that the devices distract them, these devices actually help them manage their attention, much like doodling in the margins of a notebook”.

Although it will take time for everyone to accept this idea, inevitably it will happen and it will open up many opportunities for teachers and students to improve the education system. Technology plays a role In almost every aspect of our lives, not only will the use of technology support students way of life, it will prepare them for the continually evolving world of technology by providing them with the necessary technological knowledge and skills they will most likely need for their future career and every other part of their lives.

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The Necessary Change of Implementing Technology in the Education Process. (2023, Mar 16). Retrieved from

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