The Legendary Success of the Advertisements of the Honda Motor Company

Founded in the year 1959, American Honda motor company is a surprisingly successful subsidiary of Honda motor company ltd. Its main operations circle around service, product sales, and coordination of Honda functions in North America, In other words, it is involved in sales, marketing and distribution of Honda and Acura products in North America. These products include but not limited to: power sports products, and automobiles, that is; all-terrain vehicles, scooters, motorcycles, power equipment products e,g. lawnmowers, snow blowers, engines, generators, tillers and even string trimmers, Honda boasts of a wide range of automobile models.

Considering its roots is a Japanese car-making company, one can confidently say that it has munched a substantial bite of the American automobile market cake. This is partially thanks to it being the first to create an American subsidiary to market its products in the United States and also being the first firm to manufacture automobiles in the whole North American region.

One would be surprised to hear that the above mentioned reason are just a small piece of the puzzle in regard to Honda’s great success.

The major contributor to Honda’s phenomenal success is its ability to tap into the great power of advertising Successful, strong and recursive advertising campaigns are the chief reasons the Honda brand is what it is today. The team at Honda has been known to engineer commercials that not only won the public’s heart but also won awards. To mention but a few: Cog advertisement was a cinema and television commercial made and launched under Honda sponsorship in the year 2003 for promotion of Honda’s seventh generation car line The commercial was based on the Rube Goldberg machine, Looking at it from the financial and the critical point of view, this advertisement success was nothing short of phenomenal.

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The traffic directing to the Honda’s domain just few moments was aired was simply extraordinary the media houses reacted to the sensational advertisement with similar excitement as the consumers if not more. The plagiarism controversy surrounding the advert gave even more popularity and effectiveness helping it secure its place in the commercials hall of Fame. In the year 2013, Honda did another viral advertisement dubbed the Hands Advertisement. The advert involved a coupled of hands that magically folded, twisted and evolved famous Honda products within no time into one another while carry the slogan ‘the power of dreams’. Considering how much people hate commercials, more so those browsing online, it is rather surprising for the commercial to have had more than 12 million views online.  ‘An Impossible made possible‘ was an advert done by Honda in late 2013 that proved to be just as remarkable as its predecessor line of commercials.

Raking an outstanding more seven million views on the web, one can confidently rank it among the Honda giant adverts considering Honda had run another very successful commercial in the earlier that year. Tapping into the complicated world of visual illusion, Honda went ahead to create an advert that would make them billions of dollars All these adverts have been great success thanks to a couple of contributing factors One of the main reason these adverts made Honda the remarkable brand it is today is that they were memorable Memorable adverts are key to strong memorable brands or in simpler terms repetitive profits. Honestly it is hard to watch a Honda commercial and forget it; more ten years gone and many still remember the cog advent These adverts are also brief and directly to the point without looking too formal.

They are designed to provide the information needed swiftly, succinctly and sufficiently while striking the perfect balance to avoid overloading viewers with information. People hate interpreting their programs to air commercial, so you need to make them to brief but still feed the viewers the necessary information and also steer free from feeding them much information. Another reason that Honda adverts have proved to be legendary is because they all tend to connect with the consumers’ needs and most importantly their desire. Humans are creatures of desire, needless to say, if you identify or rather synchronize your brandadvert with their desires, the advert will most definitely deliver.

The marketing team at Honda has perfected this extraordinary science of engineering perception thus the remarkable adverts. In all of these awesome adverts, a crystal clear call to action is an underlining factor. After showing the powerful, splendid or unique your product is you need to tell the consumer what they need to do to enjoy this goodness. Honda doesn’t let this opportunity pass them as they state precisely what you need to do to use their products, Having spent more than one billion US dollars in their advertising campaigns globally, looking at their revenues now, one can say that is money well spent. Advertising is such a powerful thing and if Honda iconic brand is anything to go by, then it is truly worth the effort. But like Honda, you need to master the art

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The Legendary Success of the Advertisements of the Honda Motor Company. (2023, Apr 10). Retrieved from

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