The Kindness Is Contagious

It started on a day just like any other. My uncle took me to have lunch at a restaurant in my neighborhood after I returned from school. While eating, I suddenly heard a lot of people shouting. From the corner of my eye, I saw a small crowd coming out of a pharmacy shop opposite the restaurant where I was eating. In the middle of them, was a furious man, who looked like the shop-owner, holding a terrified teenager by his collar.

I looked in horror as the boy was being struck and yelled at by the crowd. In the middle of all this, a packet of medicine dropped from his hands and he looked at it with () as if he could not live without it. Soon afterwards, another man from outside the crowd pushed his way through the angry mob and tried to calm everyone down. He then pulled the boy aside and talked to him about something. I could not make out what they talked about from where I was, but from what I could understand, the boy seemed much more relieved and the man walked towards the crowd with a determined look.

He handed some money to the shop-owner, picked the medicine, and handed it over to the boy. The shop-owner grumbled and left but the look on the boy’s face was priceless. It was as if he had seen an angel.

After a few years, one day, when I was working as a volunteer at the (renal ward) in the hospital in my neighborhood, I heard that a nurse there was going to donate one of his kidneys to a patient who was suffering from kidney failure.

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Highly intrigued, I asked the nurse about why he was going to donate one of his vital organs to a patient. I also asked him whether he was the patient’s relative. To my questions, he answered, “The person whose life I am about to save today, once helped to save my mother’s life. Back when I was younger, and did not have a job, I stole some medicine from a shop to save my mother who was on her death-bed. When everyone around me accused and beat me for theft, a stranger came to my rescue. He heard my intentions for the actions I took, saved me from the angry mob, and bought the medicine with which I was able to save my mother. That stranger was this patient.” I was left speechless.

One thing people today overlook far too much is the simple yet effective act of kindness. In this cold world overtaken by selfishness and greed is a desperate need for those little acts of care. Just a helping hand or a quick show of compassion can turn another person’s day completely around. Kindness is contagious. An act of kindness is not only a good thing to do, it also makes us happier. Sharing kindness also connects us to others and helps to build a happier society for everyone. Helping others is a powerful way to boost one’s own happiness as well as the happiness of those around. And perhaps, one day, the recipient might just return the favor.

I think that people usually avoid helping others because they do not feel like allocating some of their time to helping someone as this does not bear any immediate benefits to the one who is helping. However, if everyone could go out of their way every once in a while, and help others, then the world would not be such a drab place to live in anymore.

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The Kindness Is Contagious. (2019, Dec 07). Retrieved from

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