The Influence of the Ancient Greeks on the Romans and the Western Civilization

Topics: Western Culture

Myriad of the roots of Western Civilization can be drawn back to the Ancient Greeks. They made long lasting contributions and influences in the areas of art, literature, philosophy, politically, math, drama, technological and sciences. During the Golden Age, Classical Greece became a direct democracy government. “Our plan of government favors in the many instead of the few: that’s why it is called a democracy” Pericles was describing his type of government. Every citizen had equal opportunities to serve and make political decisions.

They wouldn’t discriminate against the poor because they serve in his country no matter how low there social scale is. (Doc #3) They would exclude all men who were not citizens such as slaves, and women.

Women had no say in many things. They were just used for house work and taking care of children. Throughout Classical Greece there were 2 famous philosophers. “The unexamined life is not worth living.” Socrates a very famous philosopher was saying that if you don’t take risk’s in life you will miss out on the unknown life.

(Doc #1) Not only did he exam that but he examined the best advancements in the best form of government for man to live under. Aristotle said “Since humans reason is the most godlike part of human nature, a life guided by human reason is superior to any other…For man, this is the life of reason, since the faculty of reason is the distinguishing characteristic of human beings.” (Doc #2) He thought that life guided by nature can be superior to any others.

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He favored the one strong and wise rule as the best form. Aristotle was the teacher of Alexander the “Great”. Alexander was a very important ruler because destroyed there Persian Empire and influenced others to a great path.

Some other Classical Greece contributions on Western Civilization were technological improvements. Hippocratic Oath was the founding father of medicine. He once said “I will follow that Treatment which, according to my ability and judgment, I will consider for the benefit of my patients, and abstain from whatever is harmful. I will give no deadly medicine to anyone if asked, nor suggest any such advice…..” (Doc #4) He promises to help his patients in any way. He will find medicine to cure his patients. (Doc #4) Due to his advancements in the knowledge of medicine many people will be able to live longer. Euclid was a Greek mathematician and considered the father of geometry. He came up with The Elements he wrote. During the Golden Age Greeks came up with many forms of entertainment. They used theater as a form of entertainment. Antigone was a famous play written by Sophocles written in 441 B.C. In is his play he defines the king’s order and buries her brother, who was killed leading a rebellion. (Doc #6) Greek plays were based of ethics, loyal, family, religion, government, etc.

Greek art and architecture was very important. Greek architects built elaborate building using marble and the Greek column, a very famous piece of Greek architecture was the Parthenon. It was a very huge valuable building. (Doc #7) Its specific features influenced Western Civilization by its perfection on their proportions. This building also is proof that the ancient Greek society was advanced in architecture, mathematics, and other elements marking high points in world history. Myron a famous sculptor built a famous marble sculpture of The Discus Thrower (Diskobolus), representing an Olympic event. (Doc #8) Many Greek artists portrayed the human figure in idealized realism. Their painting and sculptures show humans in the perfect form. Greek sculptures also show how important sports and athletic events such as the Olympics were to the Greeks.

The Greeks did many great things that influenced others. Their government influenced others around to practice the same form of democracy. The three famous philosophers inspires other writers and to create great plays. Rome was created and inspired by Greek civilization. They had many similarities because they wanted to follow their ways of life.

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The Influence of the Ancient Greeks on the Romans and the Western Civilization. (2023, Jan 12). Retrieved from

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