The Hotel Imperial

Topics: William Morris

The Hotel Imperial is located on Vienna’s Ringstraße (the Ring Road that encircles Vienna’s historic Old Town) at Kaerntner Ring 16. The building was constructed in 1863 as the Viennese residence of the Prince of Württemberg and made into a hotel in 1873.  The Scottish theologian Andrew Martin Fairbairn (1838-1912) was a Congregationalist scholar associated with Oxford University.  The Hamburg-American Line offered weekly express service between New York and Europe. An 1896 brochure boasted the company held the record for the fastest time across the Atlantic from New York at six days, ten hours, and thirty-two minutes, “while maintaining ultimate safety with great comfort to their passengers.

” accessed 8/2/2018.

Possibly Josephine Bennett Leaming (1836–1905), who married her brother-in-law, Jonathan Foreman Leaming (1822–1907), in 1888, a year and a half after the death of her sister, Eliza. Jonathan Leaming was a medical doctor, dentist, and senator from Cape May, New Jersey. He served in the New Jersey State Senate from 1862–1865 and 1877-1880.

(Scannell, 587, and Stevens, 352)

Possibly civil engineer and gynecologist Walker Gill Wylie (1849–1923), an innovative surgeon who practiced at Bellevue Hospital in New York. Whipple’s Christmas gift to Ames was a piece of amethyst jewelry in the shape of a scarab, a type of beetle. Scarabs are common symbols in ancient Egyptian art representing rebirth; Whipple’s choice reflects a shared interest in Egyptology. The British artist Edward Burne-Jones painted Paderewski in 1890. Burne-Jones (1833–1898), a collaborator of William Morris, was influential in the late Pre-Raphaelite and Aesthetic Movements.

Fra Angelico’s tempera-on-panel painting The Last Judgment (most often dated to between 1425 and 1431) includes a depiction of Paradise, as does his lesser known 1450 triptych of the same name.

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A resort in New Paltz, New York, founded by Quaker brothers Albert and Alfred Smiley in 1869. From 1895 until 1916, Mohonk House held annual conferences for peace; from 1883 until 1916, politicians and religious leaders convened there to discuss improving the living standards of Indigenous populations, called the “Lake Mohonk Conference, Friends of the Indian.” Bishop Henry Whipple was a regular attendee but did not attend in 1895 (Barrows, 59). In the mid-1870s, Richard G. Robinson was one of the first white settler-colonists of Zellwood, Florida, in Orange County. He practiced law, was elected to the Florida Legislature and managed orange groves for Northern investors (Cutler, 200). He likely managed Rose Cleveland’s citrus crops. Cleveland was traveling with A. D. Milliken and his wife, a daughter of US Representative Oscar Turner (1825–1896). Turner represented the state of Kentucky between 1879 and 1886.

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The Hotel Imperial. (2022, Aug 11). Retrieved from

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