The Hidden Natural Gems in the Ocean

Topics: NatureOceanSea

The ocean and what was hidden in the distance became somewhat of a curiosity of man prior to successful maritime exploration. The oceans are what effectively isolated the continents from each other, they are what stopped the diffusion of people’s, ideas, religions, crops, animals and technologies, until the late 15th century. As the saying goes, “In 1492 Columbus sailed the Ocean blue” and subsequently after this, the Columbian exchange began to take place, which caused the collision of a multitude of different cultures.

The ocean effectively became a metaphorical bridge to the many civilizations once seafaring became a more viable mode of transport.

The ocean demands people’s gazes and attention, it draws people towards the coasts of the world including myself. Dozing into the seemingly never ending horizon seems to be of a certain therapeutic value. The seas are home to the comforting morning sunrise, the consistently vibrantly coloured sunset skies filled to the brim, with shades of orange and yellow or the occasional pink.

Home to the ‘v’ shaped formation of the ocean’s the different groups of birds. It is home to sunken ships, starfish, seahorses and the sounds of seagulls.

The waves of the ocean are mesmerizing and determine the oceans nature, violent or peaceful. Sometimes the ocean shares its children by allowing sea life to dance out of the depths of the ocean into the eyes of onlookers. Oh how the ocean has been adored and cherished by people. Oh how the ocean is a grain above the likes of the plethora of the lakes spread across the land.

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The ocean’s life cycle appears to infinite, although it does follow a circular schedule as does the rest of mother nature. It is a place where many factors of the experience are dictated by the seasons and the position of the moon, which allows for a subjectively different experience when going to the beach at different times of the year or day.

Overall, the ocean offers tremendous intrinsic value for a mere few dimes in transport or less. This is yet another reason to go to the get lost in the sunset, or wake up at dusk to view a morning sunrise. These experiences are virtually free and offer a showing with reflections off of the mirror-like water. It is a light show grander than that of any theatre, projected from 92.96 million miles away from our home, the Earth.

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The Hidden Natural Gems in the Ocean. (2022, Dec 17). Retrieved from

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