The Health Insurance Costs in United States

Health insurance share concerns about high costs and small benefits make no mistake insurance companies are well aware that just 20 percent of patients are responsible for 80 percent of health care costs in the United States, That’s why insurers try to limit the coverage of this 20 percent, especially in the individual insurance market. Most insurance companies are more interested in money rather than helping the needy get benefits to cover their service. If you have a pre-existing condition, insurance companies are more afraid of you reaching your lifetime limit.

Insurers try to limit benefits by selling people policies that purposely eliminate care for the medical conditions they already have. In nine states, insurers are allowed to permanently reject preexisting conditions from coverage. Just four states limit the waiting period insurers can impose to less than a year.

How many Americans are sick and are not getting any medical attention needed because of the high medical bills? Healthcare in foreign countries are much more affordable all with different models, but all with lower costs, and good client satisfaction the World,” health care in other countries is reported to be as good as or better than what is received in the U.

S. — and at a lower cost (as a measure of GDP). The Health Care organization rates the US the fourth richest country and 37‘“ in the world in terms of quality and fairness with a GDP of 16 percent. The British system is the “socialized Medicine” because the government both provides and pays healthcare at a GDP of 8.

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3 percent. Japan uses the “Social Insurance” system in which all citizens are required to have health insurance at a GDP of 8 percent. Germany has also a social insurance system with a GPD of 10.7 percent, and Taiwan has a “National Health Insurance” after studying other countries with a GPD at 6.3 percent.

The last country Reid visited was Switzerland whose insurance system is also being Social insurance like Japan and Germany with a GPD of 11.6 percent. In 32 states and the District of Columbia, having a sign of a medical condition, even if it went undiagnosed or untreated, counts as a pre-existing condition. All of these exclusions mean there are cases where an individual is found to have a pre—existing condition when they didn’t even know they had one. To determine if there is a preexisting condition, 25 states and the District of Columbia say that insurance companies can review your medical history going back further than a year. Thirteen have no limit on how far back they can look. Most insurers that have a preexisting condition are afraid to get insurance because they know that they‘re not eligible and will get rejected. Health insurance should protect us when we get sick.

Yet people with pre-existing conditions find it nearly impossible to get the coverage they need, even then most people looking for insurance with illnesses die because they have no coverage or insurance to pay for their services. Insurance companies can limit the total amount a policy will pay out for policyholders over the path of their lives. While these lifetime limits are in the millions of dollars if those with serious illnesses reach those limits they really no longer have health coverage. Over 90 percent of Preferred Provider Organization policies on the individual market have lifetime limits, putting individuals at risk for costs. Health insurance does not cover the services individuals and families need, at cost-sharing levels, they can afford. Thirty-four percent of people seeking coverage on the individual market reported having trouble finding coverage that met their needs and almost half of them have trouble when they have a pre-existing condition insurance companies limit their risk by limiting benefits.

The President signed into law a new set of patient protections that prohibit insurance companies from denying coverage to Americans when they need it most. Starting in 2014, insurers can no longer carve out needed benefits, charge higher premiums, set lifetime limits on benefits, or deny coverage due to a person’s pre-existing condition. Individuals and small businesses will be able to purchase insurance through State-based Exchanges, and competitive marketplaces for private health insurance Tax credits will available for individuals and families with moderate incomes to ensure Exchange options are affordable for all. The new healthcare law that just passed, best known as ObamaCare. has some promising changes regarding pre-existing condition clauses.

These pre-existing clauses are to be removed entirely from health insurance by the year 2011. Regrettably, the law does not yet reach to long term care insurance preexisting conditions.  This is due to the very nature and purpose of long-term care in that the majority of individuals seeking long-term care insurance already have a preexisting condition. However, many legislators are trying to have the idea of pre-existing conditions removed from all insurance so the possibility of them being removed entirely still exists. Individuals and families also are at risk of losing insurance during life transition that limit their access to coverage. Losrng ajob, going through a divorce, or graduating from college can mechanically make some individuals or families ineligible for employer sponsors coverage.

While federal law offers some protections for individuals and families who are moving from one job to another or from group insurance to the individual market, how those protections are enforced varies by state. Families uncertain of their options or those without the funds to pay often very high premiums are at risk of becoming uninsured According to a recent national survey, approximately 12.6 million non-elderly Americans have been turned down for coverage due to a pre-existing condition in the last 3 years, and l in 10 cancer patients have been denied coverage and 6% have lost their coverage because they have been diagnosed with cancer. Also, over the past 5 years, 3 large insurers have been revoked coverage due to being too expensive to continue covering.

Many people are denied for cancers, diabetes, overweight and mental health issues Insurance companies are for profit, meaning that the shareholders must make money or the company goes out of business, and then no one gets insurance. You cannot expect a company to write a policy to cover a pre-existing condition unless they charge a lot of money. Health insurance companies do not make excessive profits; they make less money by percentage than almost all other types of business. They must restrict their policies and vary the cost of those policies based on the expected use of the policy. That is why people with health conditions and people of different ages are charged different amounts. This country faces certain economic disaster if the costs keep on skyrocketing due to waste and general inefficiency with no regulation.

In conclusion, as most of the civilized world knows, you cannot run health care for profit. Health is a human need and a human right; that should not be in the hands of greedy corporations. We spend 16% and rising of our GDP on health care, more than any other country in the world, and yet it performs very badly, right alongside Slovenia, if it had performed as well as France, Australia and Japan it is estimated that 101000 lives a year could be saved. The problem in the United States is that our healthcare system is based on profit, not your health.

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The Health Insurance Costs in United States. (2023, Mar 13). Retrieved from

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