The Definition and a Personal Opinion on Classroom Management

 Classroom management consists of the strategies for assuring physical and psychological safety in the classroom; techniques for changing student misbehaviors and for teaching self-discipline; methods of assuring an orderly progression of events during the school day; and instructional techniques that contribute to students positive behaviors. Classroom management is the plan of action teachers establish and implement to run a smooth and efficient classroom.

When it comes to classroom management I consider the biggest key to an efficient classroom is to create a sense of solidarity between all those in the classroom (The second key would be procedure).

This idea is influenced by Frederick Joness Positive Classroom Management model; he believes that emotions, self-esteem, values, and relationship building are the true goals of the classroom management system. The reason children go to school is to prepare them for the future. While math, science, reading, and writing is great nothing can prepare children for the future more than by building good character. The classroom has such great potential to expand from academic development that itd be a waste to not focus on the whole child.

In Positive Classroom Management the first step to creating a sense of solidarity in the classroom is for teachers to become self-aware. Sometimes it takes reminding that teachers are role models and that students pattern their behavior by observing the teachers behavior. Of the many traits I think teacher should possess I find the most important are to be calm, patient, mature, level-headed, compassionate, and most of all respectful.

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Respect and trust go hand-in-hand, two virtues that are important to me.

When students and teachers are able build a trusting and respectful relationship between one another, the classroom holds much more meaning and power. As trust and respect is earned, not given, the democratic nature of my classroom will provide many opportunities for my student to gain trust and respect. Making simples tasks meaningful by creating classroom jobs would be an example.

As a teacher I want my students to learn to be independent and self-reliant, especially when it comes to resolving conflict. Barabara Colorosos Inner Discipline model and Marvin Marshalls Discipline Without Stress model incorporate self-regulated discipline by students. Students need to learn to accept responsibility of their actions, positive or negative. If trust or respect is fractured by a wrong, students need to learn how to restitute, resolute, and reconcile the wrong (Coloroso, 2000).

Barbara Colorosos Inner Discipline model reflects the idea of treating students with respect and dignity with the Golden Rule as a central basis: treat others as you would like to be treated. As crazy as I know things will get, I hope to always keep this in mind when I have my own classroom because as any good educator knows, children are worth the time, energy, and resources of teachers.

The models that best fit my current and future teachings are Frederick Joness Positive Classroom Management model, Barabara Colorosos Inner Discipline model, and Marvin Marshalls Discipline Without Stress model. I gravitate to the three because they align with my belief of the importance of helping students build good character; Joness by forming substantial relationships in the classroom, Colorosos and Marshalls by emphasizing ownership of actions.

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The Definition and a Personal Opinion on Classroom Management. (2023, Mar 14). Retrieved from

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