The Bias in Media in Australia

In todays society media texts are very influential In changing or altering the listener. Viewer or readers point of View, by introducing different versions of reality. In every article the way In which an event is Viewed changes, depending on the cultural background or beliefs of the Wl‘ltel, An article can be written wrth certain words or sentences which influence the readers point of VIEW, Each event can be portrayed wrth different emphasis, some events are ignored because others are larger or allow more opportunities for the press In every article some information is purposefully omitted or minimized to emphasis the writers point of view.

If the writers cultural beliefs or backgrounds interfere with the story their point of view Will be privileged over others. News reports are structured In a way that emphasises one point of view Without it being obvious, by placing the information that supports the writers point of view at the beginning of the article, the titles are also very influential.

The dialect that is used in each article almost always directly affects the writers viewpoint, words like disgusting, devastating, hurtlul. they are used to persuade the viewpoint of the Writer, The issue of racism in Australia has been Viewed from many different angles over the past 50 years. This issue includes the Australian public, as well as the diverse cultures in todays society Racism in Australia developed over time, then significantly decreased in its amounts, but racism in Australia is still evrdent in our socrety. The reasons for its existence range from personal or cultural beliefs to family upbringing.

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Because the issue has been an ongoing problem, it still continues to develop today.

The media coverage that the issue of racism in Australia has attracted has ranged from newspapers and magazines. to radio, television and current affairs programs. The events surrounding Australian racism have triggered numerous responses, some defending the Australian community, and others antagonising it. This responses purpose is to analyse the range of media reactions to the events surrounding racism in Australia, to recognize some of the ways in which the issue has been represented in the news, It will be demonstrated that to a great extent, that the media produces only what seems to be the truth to the readers, but is only one particular version of the situation. THEY Will be at Showdown XI tomorrow night, the children dressed in their football heroes‘ jumpers, 0n the back. the number of their favourite player. It‘s part of football‘s tradition. More years ago than I care to remember, I went to the Thebarton Oval as a small boy dressed in a West Torrens Jumper.

But there are small differences. Human evolution is a wonderful thing. What is right for one generation becomes patently wrong for the next. What is blurred and confusing for one generation becomes clear and uncompromising for the next. At Football Park last weekend I heard an ageing Power supporter say to his mate: “It doesn‘t matter what you think of those blacklellas, they can really play football.” Inappropriate, offensive and typically ’60s. The men were products of a political and social system which advocated the White Australia Policy. They know their attitudes are now unacceptable but in the comfort zone of a football match, the lazy phrases resurface, In the same crowd. children were numbered Power football jumpers. Prominent was No 4, worn by star Gavrn Wanganeen. To these children, it doesn‘t matter Wanganeen is Aboriginal.

One generation feels the need to highlight Aboriginality, the next doesn‘t recognise it exists. Tomorrow night, two numbers will dominate on young fans‘ backs – Crows No 23, Andrew McLeod (though he will not play) and Power No 4. Last week in the mini-league at half-time a small Aboriginal boy was outstanding, He showed similar elusive skills to McLeod and Wanganeen, At the end of the game he strolled off, arm in arm, with a team mate, No self-conscious racism here. It’s the same story with 36ers basketball star Willie Farley or goll’s Tiger Woods. The new generation, tomorrow’s adults and leaders, are no longer intimidated by the blackrwhite racial lelde, Is it too much to hope that racism in Australia is dying? Have education, sport and teleVIsion helped young people cross the barrier between intolerance and tolerance? or must human beings have someone to hate? American CIVII rights actiwst. Martin Luther King said on August 27, 1963.

“I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up. live out the true meaning of its creed, we hold these truths to be self-evident. that all men are created equal.” The Universal Declaration of Human Rights says, “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.“ They are ideals we should all strive for. But perhaps British author George Orwell came closer when he wrote in Animal Farm: “All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others,” It seems there is always some strata of society thinking it is more equal than another, As one cloak of intolerance is cast aside, another replaces it. If the blackrwhite diVide disappears Will the next generation find new areas of prejudice an intolerance? In Israel there has rarely been a greater example of human intolerance than the hatred which separates the Jews from the Palestinians.

It is a hatred too deep to comprehend. In South Alrica, black Africans, for so long the cringing victims of racial intolerance legalised as apartheid, have now turned their power and hate against the white minority. In France, right-Wing activist JeanrMarie Le Pen has leaped to political prominence because ol the rising fear of illegal immigration, Australia is one of the most tolerant, integrated, free and classless societies in the world. Everyone can aspire to wealth and influence, unimpeded by the baggage ol race. religion, class or funding. Yet invisible divides exist. If the dreadful barriers of black-white racism are breaking down, will others emerge in their place?

Those who have property and those who don’t, those who can retire on substantial superannuation payments and those who can’t, those with private health and hospital cover and those who have none? But for now let‘s be bold and celebrate the changing and maturing attitude of the next generation to black-white racism in Australia. If it occurs, it Will be one ol the most significant social developments in my lifetime. In the August, 8, 2002 issue of The CourierrMail, Michael Duffy wrote an article, Mixed Messages of Hope focusing on the extent of racism in todays society, using interrracial marriages as a guide, and which races are most commonly Victimized. Duffy explores the issue of interrracial marriages, which countries interrmarry, and why.

He also exposes racism in Australian socrety, The article is directed towards people of racral backgrounds other than Anglorsaxon, and also to the broad Australian community, to fabricate guilt. Duffy does not show excessive amounts of nationalism; in fact he seems to be trying to expose Australian racism. He uses reierences to past victims of racism by Australians to reach the audience on an emotional note. Duffy is trying to extinguish the stereotype of Australia not being to blame for its racist attitudes in the past and present, and to harden an image of pity lor the victims of Australian racism. There are many quotes Within the text to accent the message, such as If you put that little mongrel in an orphanage, I‘ll buy you a business.

The writers are limited to that of victims of racist attitudes. The way the writer explains a view that suggests Australia Is not a Victim but the aggressor. The writer is successful in expressing his point of VleW. The love poets from different ages and cultures rely on literature to express their feelings. Over the ages their ability to write what they feel was limited and expanded, their writing reflects this. In difterent countries around the world poets enioy expressing their Views about love, Just as in other countries. In the Classical Ages the writing was restricted, writers were not necessarily allowed to express their feelings in literature. As the ages continued so did the availability of sources for writing about past experiences, as more events occurred, more poetry was unveiled. Over the Ages love poets irom different cultures and generations wrote love poetry that displays the attitudes, beliefs and values of people from their age and culture.

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The Bias in Media in Australia. (2022, Dec 21). Retrieved from

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