Right Wrong Move Of Humanity

Topics: Human Rights

In some ways I believe that humanity is headed in the wrong direction but, in some ways I believe it is headed in the right direction. So, I can’t choose whether it is or isn’t because in my opinion, it’s both and here’s why I think so. The reason I believe humanity is headed in the wrong direction is because of the way people treat others in today’s society. Humans don’t really care for each other and help each other like they used to.

One way humanity is headed in the wrong direction is because of wrongful convictions. There are innocent people all over the U.S. who are in prison/jail for crimes they didn’t commit. The vice reported that according to the innocence project estimates, between 2.3 percent and 5 percent of all U.S. prisoners are innocent. The american prison population numbers about 2.4 million.

Using those numbers, as many as 120,000 innocent people could currently be in prison.

And a lot of those wrongful convictions are caused by police making false accusations. Another reason why humanity is headed in the wrong direction is because of deportation. People and their families usually move to the U.S. for better lives and better futures and just because they weren’t born here and aren’t U.S. citizens, they get taken back to Mexico. In my opinion, people should be able to live where they want with no trouble or problems. Between the years 1892 and 1997 there have been 2.

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1 million people deported from the United States. Also, homelessness is another problem.

And people nowadays have mindsets that make them think “oh it’s their fault that they are homeless they need to go get a job” but people don’t think about things like what if they have disabilities that prevents them from being able to work or other problems that prevent them from making money. Humans in today’s society are just careless of others and only worry about themselves and they’re own benefit. And that’s basically driving humanity in the complete wrong direction. But, environmentally humanity is headed in the right direction in my opinion. Today people are finding so many ways and alternatives to make the earth a cleaner place. We have things like solar power panels, eco-friendly vehicles etc. Humans have improved the pollution problem over the years. So, that’s why I say that humanity is both right and wrong because no, humanity isn’t headed in the right direction but, environmentally it is because the improvement we’ve made when it comes to pollution etc.

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Right Wrong Move Of Humanity. (2021, Dec 23). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/right-wrong-move-of-humanity/

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