Revitalizing the Village: Community Care


Recently it has been brought to the attention of public health practitioners that a public housing facility, known as The Village, has been declining due to its social detriments. This facility consists of 350 two-bedroom townhouse apartments. These public health practitioners have realized that there is a need for revitalization of the community to ensure equality and decrease health disparities. Most individuals who live here are those of low socioeconomic status. The poverty-stricken environment has succumbed to poor community health and lack of community development.

Neighborhoods like these lack access to healthy food choices and access to healthcare facilities. With little to no education they also are mostly health illiterate. Inhabitants of The Village have little to no recreational centers that could lead to increased obesity. These detriments of health have led to disease, heavy drug and alcohol abuse, increased teen pregnancy, etc. A need for revitalization is detrimental in promoting healthy behaviors and a healthy lifestyle among the people here.

Improving these health barriers can lead to a growth in health, social, and economic status (Determinants of Health, n.d.). In this article studies and research will show what implementations can help improve this place and make it better for its inhabitants.


Health determinants affect individual health due to social, economic, and environmental influences (Nash, Fabius, Skoufalos, Clarke, & Horowitz, 2016).

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While some of these factors are under the control of the person, others are not (Nash, Fabius, Skoufalos, Clarke, & Horowitz, 2016). Health disparities felt within the community as well as felt by the individual will influence the health-related conclusion (Nash, Fabius, Skoufalos, Clarke, & Horowitz, 2016).

In The Village social detriments like being far away from healthcare facilities and healthy supermarkets can lead to a huge health disadvantage and poor health outcomes. Social determinants can include low socioeconomic status, availability of resources, exposure to crime, public safety, and quality schools (Determinants of Health, n.d.). In The Village having trash and debris, low socioeconomic status, and lack of sources has created a need for revitalization.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Although The Village is poverty stricken it does have some upside. The building is in good repair, they have a playground, a commons area, and a community center. These places can be the center for revitalization. They will also be holding a Head Start Program for eligible children there in the Fall. A playground can be offered as an amenity to increase levels of physical activity (Kondo, South, & Branas, 2015).

Weaknesses presented in the Village include lack of green spaces, lack of healthy food choices, poverty, lack of access to healthcare facilities, and lack of transportation. Neighborhoods of low socioeconomic status and low education rates tend to be limited with healthier food access (Zimmerman,Woolf, & Haley, 2014). Neighborhoods of low socioeconomic status usually are rich in calorie-dense foods and serve unhealthy drinks (Zimmerman,Woolf, & Haley, 2014). The biggest disadvantage seen in this neighborhood is lack of resources. Not being able to access healthcare can lead to unnecessary hospitalizations, delayed medical care, and lack of preventative care (Determinants of Health, n.d.). Not having enough green spaces can result in decreased physical activity and an increase in obesity within a community (Kondo, South, & Branas, 2015).

Revitalizing The Village

In order for this facility to be revitalized the availability of resources has to be increased. These resources include access to healthcare, healthier food choices, health literacy programs, and more green space. In Los Angeles urban communities started a “Clean up and Green up” campaign that sought out to improve community health and create more green spaces to decrease the effect of environmental health disparities (Pastor & Morello-Frosch, 2014). Initiatives to improve green spaces and nature in urban neighborhoods has a strong affect on the health and safety of the community (Kondo, South, & Branas, 2015). Green spaces in urban settings can help improve social interaction and physical activity (Kondo, South, & Branas, 2015).

Improved health literacy can enhance communication between health care providers and the patient (Prins & Mooney, 2014). Health literacy also promotes healthy habits and awareness of different health problems (Prins & Mooney, 2014). Health literacy can inform patients about preventative measures such as screening and at risk diseases (Prins & Mooney, 2014). Increasing fresh produce and bringing farmer’s markets to urban neighborhoods creates access to healthier food choices (Pastor & Morello-Frosch, 2014). Low education, rural location, and affordability all create problems for healthcare accessibility (Zimmerman,Woolf, & Haley, 2014). To improve these barriers transportation needs have to be met, free health clinics can be provided, and free health screenings (Pastor & Morello-Frosch, 2014).


In conclusion, implementing these ideas will raise the overall health of the community and its inhabitants. Creating health literacy programs, adding access to healthier food choices, creating green spaces, and accessibility to healthcare. Research has shown that when those availability of resources have been added to a community and an increase in community health is the result.


  1. Determinants of Health. (n.d.). Retrieved from Health
  2. Kondo, M. C., South, E. C., & Branas, C. C. (2015). Nature-Based Strategies for Improving Urban Health and Safety. Journal of Urban Health,92(5), 800-814. doi:10.1007/s11524- 015-9983-y
  3. Nash, D. B., Fabius, R. J., Skoufalos, A., Clarke, J., & Horowitz, M. R. (2016). Population health: Creating a culture of wellness. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
  4. Pastor, M., & Morello-Frosch, R. (2014). Integrating Public Health And Community Development To Tackle Neighborhood Distress And Promote Well-Being. Health Affairs,33(11), 1890-1896. doi:10.1377/hlthaff.2014.0640
  5. Prins, E., & Mooney, A. (2014). Literacy and Health Disparities. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education,2014(142), 25-35. doi:10.1002/ace.20092
  6. Zimmerman, E., Woolf, S. H., & Haley, A. (2014). Understanding the Relationship Between Education and Health. NAM Perspectives,4(6). doi:10.31478/201406a

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Revitalizing the Village: Community Care. (2021, Dec 31). Retrieved from

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