QuestionWhat have you learned from VAK system Week one? How will you


What have you learned from VAK system (Week one)? How will you use it in your day to day life?

I have learned the following key points from VAK model:

The VAK model explains how people learn things by using three main sensory receivers (Vision, Auditory and Kinesthetic). This model helps us to find out the preferred learning style for a person.

Though, no person has a single learning style, as they use two or all three learning styles to receive the information, but it is important to know that one of these styles could be more preferred and dominant for a person comparing to the other two learning styles.

One learning style may not work for all the tasks. According to the VAK model, some people prefer to do one task by one learning style and do the other task by other learning style, or having a mixed of both learning styles to receive more and more information.

I learned that visual learning style means to learn by seeing or observing things, such as photos, diagrams, flip-charts, handouts, videos and etc.

People who prefer this learning style would like to see information more visualized in illustrations, diagrams, charts, videos and other visual formats, as they are the helpful learning tools for them to learn and receive the information.

Likewise, in the Auditory Learning style, I learned that people with this leaning style would like to listen and hear information rather than seeing it in a visualized form.

These people tend to learn more things from lectures and workshops as their learning style is auditory or listening, and they are also good to memorize the information told by others.

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Moreover, I learned that Kinesthetic Learning style means to learn through shadowing, monitoring, physical involvement, practical experience, touching and doing things. These people tend to learn more things from touching and doing, as they give more importance to do things in practical and experience it by themselves, rather than seeing or listening.

My Own Learning Style:

According to VAK model, my dominant learning style is “Kinesthetic”. I do learn quickly when I am practically involved and do things on my own or learning by shadowing and monitoring.

I have a hard time learning things by seeing, observing or listening, as there is no chance to learn things by touching and doing, or experience it. Therefore, it is always an obstacle for me to learn. I am kinesthetic learner and needs to move and get physical experience and learn things by touching and doing it.

Question 02:

Provide an example of a leader that you believe possesses qualities of an effective leader. Justify your answer.

Following is the example of a leader who I think; he does possess the qualities of an effective leader:

Mr. Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motor Company was an Effective Leader!

After studying the qualities of an effective leader in “Advance Management and Leadership” subject, I believe that Mr. Henry Ford was an effective leader and most of these traits could be found in Mr. Henry Ford personality.

Mr. Henry Ford was the founder of Ford Motor Company, the man who was involved with motor cars during the 19th century, below are quotes from Henry Ford that determine his great characteristics of leadership and I explained it in my own words.

Mr. Henry Ford Leadership Qualities:

1- Team Building and Promoting Teamwork

“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” [Quote of Mr. Henry].

My Explanation:

From the above quote, I can write that Mr. Henry Ford strongly believed that team building and teamwork is more effective and efficient to maximize the organizational success and achieve more. Henry Ford understood the hard work needed to be successful, especially in the aspect of working together as a team.

Teambuilding and promoting teamwork was one of the great characteristics of Mr. Henry Ford.

2- Embrace failures and manage set backs

“The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.” [Quote of Mr. Henry].

My Explanation:

Mr. Henry Ford had faced many up and downs in Ford Motor Company business, for instance he experienced a major setback after designing and improving the Ford cars in 1899. The company produced the cars, but did not meet the standards in market, and was too expensive for the company.

Mr. Ford did not give up and made the decision to keep moving forward, till that day he made company a highly valued brand in the international market. He achieved the “Ford” brand by passing the tough time and failures he faced early in his career.

3- Expectation, leading by example and commit to do the best

“Quality means doing it right when no one is looking.” [Quote of Mr. Henry].

Henry Ford had a strong believe in quality, and was a leader who had high expectation from himself than any other member of his teams. He was leading by example, not by threat and was inspiring the team to perform according to the quality and the existed demands of the market.

Mr. Ford knew that sometimes the team members will not meet the expectations, but it does not mean they have to be punished or fired. Instead he was available to make the tough decisions, propose changes and enable the employees to live up to meet the standards and demands of the market.

However, there are number of other traits and qualities of Mr. Henry Ford, proves that he was an effective leader and a successful person in car producing business, but above I have only explained three of his great characteristics of leadership.

Question 03:

You have studied three levels of personal leadership. Please use the model and describe which level you are at currently and how do you plan to move up the chain?

My current personal leadership level and how to move up the chain:

I am having the “The Public leadership level” and daily interact with a group of people, giving them tasks, consulting and solving their problems, making decisions when it is necessary as I am holding the position of “Marketing Manager”.

Moreover, I have firm belief in team working, as it is very effective, flexible and responsive to changing events than working individual, and everyone is providing their contribution to achieve the goal, with keeping high level of working productivity.

According to the James Scouller I need to work on the Private and Personal Leaderships levels, as both are highly important for me to be achieved.

The Private Leadership Level will enable me to better understand and interact with individuals, as they have different knowledge, experience, emotions, motivation and other traits, and I need to behave and treat them accordingly.

Also, the Personal leadership will enable me to convert my weakness to the strength points. For instance, I am an emotional person and this is one of my weakness that need be addressed.

I understand that I need to practice more to convert this weakness to strength point, but I will do my best to overcome this weakness, and enable myself to keep positive relationship with the group in general and with the individuals in particular.

Question 04:

Please describe how feedback is used in your organization. How often do you personally receive feedback from colleagues and your line manager? What model is used within your organization for provision of feedback?

How feedback is used in my organization:

In my organization (Afghan National Insurance Company), we receive feedback on daily basis from our manager, when we deal with a customer and vendor.

Besides the daily feedback, we also receive feedback from the employee survey, performance appraisal each year.

The feedback I personally receive from my manager is not only improving my performance, but it does motivate me to perform better as well and convert my weakness to strength points.

I feel valued and appreciated being asked to provide feedback that would formulate business decisions, and we often do use the feedback from client, vendors and stakeholders to motivate and build better working relations with each other.

We apply the EARN (Event, Action, Result and Next Steps) model in our organization.

Our Manager uses this model as it gives him an opportunity to provide feedback to me and to other employees on a timely manner.


During the last weekly meeting, I received a call, and I answered and stepped away from meeting, without considering the importance of the meeting, I felt that it was a disrespectful action toward others, but my manager did not say anything to me in front of other colleagues; he kept calm and later on invited me to his office. He said: “In a meeting it’s important that you have to be focused and present, and by stepping away to take a call, you are not only showing that meeting is not important but it is also an inappropriate behavior toward others.”

After receiving this feedback from my manager, I noted and did not repeat this inappropriate behavior in coming meetings.


Question 05:

How do you plan to use the Coaching skill in your professional life?

I plan to use the following coaching skills in my professional life:

1- Emotional Intelligence Skills:

I plan to use this skill to control my emotions in my professional life, as it affects my work and behavior with other employees, I need to keep calm in a worst situation and react rationally, rather than emotionally that will ruin my professional life.

2- Effective Communication skills:

No doubt that Effective communication plays an important role in coaching, therefore I plan to use my communication skills to have better mutual understanding and properly encode or decode the messages and respond others in a timely manner.

3- Effective evaluation skills:

As a coach, I need to evaluate the process whether the coaching is creating a necessary change or not. Therefore, I plan to use and constantly improve this skill, as evaluations can take place after each coaching session or at the end of the whole process.

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QuestionWhat have you learned from VAK system Week one? How will you. (2019, Nov 23). Retrieved from

QuestionWhat have you learned from VAK system Week one? How will you
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