Promises That Can end In Divorce

Chapter Four had many different components to it. Discussed in the chapter was healthy intimate relationships they are important to individuals and societies, many are together by love. Successful relationships have positive self and good self-esteem. Love includes caring and respect, but also need commitment. Strong communication is also very good, and support. Good communication is listening and feedback. There is going to be conflict in the relationship, anger is usually expressed. Although, partner pick people like them so anger could be an issue for both.

Most relationships now are off sites and apps, this could extend the dating world. Same-Sex relationships are more open now than 10 years ago.

They focus more on partnership unlike opposite sex. Singleness is a big thing in our society now, but marriage is still around for many. Marriage has affection and many other promises. Though these promises may not last and it ends in divorce, martial satisfaction changes with kids and other things. However, can be fixed sometimes.

Marriage is very beneficially in the lives of many people. According to the book you get affection, sexual fulfilment, emotional growth and companionship. In the article it gives ten reasons why marriage is good for you. It is safer there It lowers risk of violence and anything happening to partners. Most of the violence committed on women were from past lovers, not their husband. Divorced women are more likely to get attacked, then marriage women. It can save your life; married people are healthy and happy. It is evident in middle age that marriage is better for you.

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Having a partner lowers cancer and lowers risk of death in hospitals. Divorced people have lower immune function. It helps your Kids, they are healthier and live longer. Married individuals will earn more money. You will receive each other’s earnings, and also boost each other’s. Due to this you will be wealthier, you get more assets. Retirement will build up and you will get more after retirement. The married couple will less likely to cheat and will make the love last. Marriage is good mentally you will be less depressed, and your mental health will improve tremendously, you will be happy and enjoy life and your kids will too. The purpose of this story is to tell the major benefits of marriage and why you should get and stay married.

I feel that they are missing family and how you grow family and due to growing family, you feel happier and surrounded by the people you love. They are not considering it because it may not be as important as the other points of the article. According to the article, “Marriage is good for your mental health. Married men and women are less depressed, less anxious, and less psychologically distressed than single, divorced, or widowed Americans.” This agrees with the book because in the book it says, “Research shows that good marriages have myriad positive effects on individual’s health.” So they both agree how marriage is good for health.

I learned how to and not to do things in a relationship and how good communication to relationships. It also showed me the benefits or being in a relationship and how not being in one can effect many things. I learned how marriage can help life and how it can affect kids. Also, it showed me how divorce effects kids and partners. I will definitely apply the communication and relationships skills to my life. I believe a good marriage is good for you and communication is key. I can say that being a child of married parents has helped me through life and has helped my health. I can say it benefits me to be in a good relationship and it helps with mental health.

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Promises That Can end In Divorce. (2022, Nov 19). Retrieved from

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