Transformational Leadership Research Paper

Transformational leadership is the kind of leadership which improves motivation, spirit and productiveness of the followers with the help of various mechanisms. In this case the leader is the model of the behavior and work and the followers want to look like him. At the same time, the leader should not only possess authority, but also qualification in order to see the strong and weak sides of his team and distribute only the tasks which would not be too complicated for the followers.

Briefly, the leader evaluates the team objectively and provides everyone with the duties he is able to fulfill well.

Transformational leadership is the kind of leadership which most often occurs among politicians.

James MacGregor Burns devoted much time to the analysis of the biographies various politicians and in 1978 he presented the idea that this kind of leadership helps both leaders and followers to reach success and due to the total credit and support of one another.

Leadership Research Paper Example

In the mid 1980-ies transformational leadership was observed from the point of view of psychology and the mechanisms which influence this type of leadership were found.

Transformational leadership suggests something more than profit, because the followers of the leader are inspired for the activity, because they see how to act and solve the problems correctly (with the facilitation of the leader). The leader motivates his team through his charisma, intellectual abilities and personal attention. In addition, the leader asks to brainstorm new and new methods of the solution of the problem in order to reach the higher success.

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Transformational leadership is the kind of leadership which is connected with the strong personality of the leader, his personal qualities and charisma. It is known that only the politicians and leaders who had charisma remained in the human history and they are not forgotten. The student who wants to analyze the question on transformational leadership broader is able to complete a good research proposal which would touch upon the most thought-provoking points of the topic and would suggest the best solutions and methods of the research. The student should dwell on the reason of the research, the relevance of the matter on transformational leadership, the methodology of the research and the observation of the useful and trustworthy sources.

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Transformational Leadership Research Paper. (2019, Dec 05). Retrieved from

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