The Time Machine' Published in 1895

Topics: Novels

Industrial revolution was taking place in the Victorian era, progress and technological progress was advancing and lots of machines and new technologies were being invented. People were afraid that they might lose their jobs to the machines so they started moving away from the cities to the rural areas.

As time was very early at the Victorian era, people did not travel long distances, this was because there weren’t trains and cars so people use to have horses in which they couldn’t travel for long distances.

Many important technologies were invented, for example the invention of the telegraph (message sent through wires) made the world feel smaller, and this was because people would know what as happening in his world. The telegraph had a huge impact on the global trade and the news. The media grew.

The population in Britain increased rapidly over the Victorian times; it used to be 9million roughly but now its 36million people from different cultures living in the UK.

The UK is well known as ‘multiculturalism country’ this is because there are varieties of different cultures.

In the Victorian era, their were different genres of books, including romance, comedy, fantasy and etc, H.G. Wells differed from these groups because he wrote sci-fi books and he was known as ‘The man who invented tomorrow’ and he was well remembered.

Jules and Verne wrote stories about space travel which Victorian readers to wonder about other planets and if there might be other creatures like aliens living in other planets.

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Science fiction authors were middle class, publishers were suspicious of sci-fi because it challenged God of society’s order and people thought it was dangerous like the big bang theory, challenges the existence of God.

Herbert George Wells was born in September in 1866. He was an English author, best known for his work in the science fiction genre. He was also a prolific writer in many genres, including contemporary novels, history, politics and social commentary. Together with Jules Verne, Wells has been referred to as “The Father of Science Fiction” and “the man who invented tomorrow”

H.G. Wells was a fair and full of justice man. He wanted equality between everybody and he also wanted education for everyone, but the crisis was that in the Victorian times, equality did not even exist. The upper-class were the people who were rich and also the people who did not work very much so they were lazy people but on the other hand the working-class were people who did not have rights for example, they didn’t have the right for voting and works’ right. Today the law tells us that everyone has minimum working hours + payment, but in the Victorian times, this was different because they use to get treated unfairly.

In the Victorian times, if an individual had ‘leisure’, this meant that they were rich and were classed as the upper class.

The novel ‘The time machine’ acts as a warning for the middle and upper-class about ignoring the working class so the upper-class and the middle-class were deviates. H.G. Wells was worried and bothered about not educating or protecting the working class, Also H.G. Wells wanted to help the lower-class by protests.

H.G. Wells was pacifist and wanted to stop war and violence. There are several famous quotes he said and one which was “if we don’t end war, war will end us”.

H.G. Wells, the author of ‘the time machine’ represents the working class as ‘Morlocks’ and upper class as ‘Elios’, this is very clever as him as he uses personification to compare the human as creatures.

The author describes the Elios as “very beautiful and graceful creature” this already informs us that the description is talking about the Elios. There are also many other description which is describe the Elios for instance ”

There are many clues in the novel which suggest that the Elios were once upon a time an upper class. For instance, the clothing of the Elios is suggests as follows “leather belt” Sandals” buskins”. There are other clues which tell us that the Elios were upper class for instance “I saw a group of figures clad in rich soft robes” and this tells us that they are very formal and rich.

The author, H.G. Wells, says that “he struck me as being a very beautiful and graceful creature” this suggests that in the Victorian era, the upper class didn’t care about how much they worked but they only cared about their beauty.

The Elios were very weak as they were lazy and they only let the working-class work hard so they became very fragile and weak as H.G. suggested in his novel for instance “I and this fragile thing out of futurity”, there are also other quotes when as he is saying they are weak and fragile for example “but indescribably frail”.

The creatures so called ‘Elios’ are very illogic and over exaggerated form of influence to the Victorian era, but this illogic idea is very unique but its very knowledgeable by H.G. Wells.

The time machine is very ironic but very intelligent; this is because H.G. Wells illustrates the Morlocks and the Elios very logically and cleverly as he compares them to the Victorian era and their society.

There are also other creatures other than the ‘Elios’, these are called ‘Morlocks’, they are more extreme and more deadly than the ‘Elios’. H.G. Wells says that “the faint halitus of freshly shed blood was in the air” this suggests that they are like animals that smell blood. This metaphorical idea it’s very clever by the idea of him creating such idea that would even in now days been accepted.

The Morlocks are creatures that live underground, they live in the dark and the time traveller is sure that they can see in the dark, and this also suggests that they are afraid of the light.

The Morlocks are like savages, they look like ghosts when they are moving around in the and they also don’t have any feelings towards people.

H.G. Wells says that “while I stood in the dark, a hand touched mine, lank fingers came feeling over my face”. This emphasises that they see more by touching and feeling people almost like a blind person would.

The appearance of the Morlocks is described as stated “lank fingers”, “unpleasant odour”, “there eyes were abnormally large and sensitive”,

The Morlocks touch people without permission as the time traveller says “hand being gently disengaged”. The Morlocks are unsophisticated creatures.

H.G. Wells was a man who wanted peace and justice for all man kind, that’s the whole purpose of the ‘time machine’. The reason why he wrote the ‘time machine’ was that because the working class were classified as being ‘normal human being’ and for that they were treated very differently in comparison to the upper-class which had most of the power. So H.G. Wells wrote ‘the time machine novel’ as set of warning to the upper-class so that they wouldn’t deviate from the working class. The Morlocks are metaphorically incomparason to the working class.

The Morlocks use to be (one upon a time) a working class; they use to be hardworking; they were innocent people who had no right but the right to work and not get their own free time or their own working hours… this was very cruel by the upper-class therefore H.G. Wells wanted to end that sort of cruelness.

The time machine movie that was directed by Simon Wells and was released in 2002, it is very different to the novel and it’s interpreted differently. Simon Wells is the eldest grandson of H.G. Wells. H.G. Wells was the author of the ‘time machine’ but his grandson made a film about it but changed many stuff; there are many possible reasons why he done this and one which might be that he wanted to suit everyone’s need as being ‘modern movie’ and making it more interesting and more sophisticated.

In the novel, the time traveler and his friends discuss the probability of the time travel but this is very different in the film that was released in 2002 because the time traveler’s fianc�e gets shot and he goes on his machine to change the past so he can save his wife but he fails. There is a message behind this because H.G. Wells is trying to say that ‘you can’t change the past but you can change the future’.

The interpretation in the novel and the film is very unique because in the novel, the friends return for a dinner a week later to discover the time traveler exhausted and disheveled, claiming that he’s been to the future; 802701. However the movie differs because he does not go back to dinner but instead he destroys his time machine to annihilate the Morlocks and stays with the Elios.

In the movie there is no narration because we can see what is happening and it’s very vivid, but in the book is different because the time traveler begins to narrate his time in the future.

We can detect millions of changes in the movie compared to the novel, for example, in the movie, the Elios are very hard working creatures, this suggests that when we see the Elios in the movie, they’re are building their houses and working extremely hard.

In the novel, the time traveler meets Weena, an Elio, teaches him the language and their way of life. However, this is different in the movie because Weena only teaches him a little about their language but not fluently as we can see in the movie and she also teaches him little bit about their way of life.

There are hints and clues that there is another species living underground and threatening the Elios and their luxuries but on-the-other hand, in the movie is similar but also different because the boy has a nightmare or even hallucinates.

The novel and Movie are of course not completely different because in the novel, the time traveler travels underground out of curiosity and to find his time machine. He sees the working of the Morlocks, an animalistic race who keep the Elios in their luxury. However, this is the same in the movie that was released by H.G. Wells’s grandson. Simon Wells.

In the Movie, near the end, the time traveler battles the leader of the Morlocks leader and defeats him and for this victory leads to the extinction/annihilation of the other Morlocks.

In the novel, the time machine is returned to the time traveler and he leaves the strange land but in the movie, this differs because the time traveler uses the time machine to destroy the Morlocks habitat.

In the novel, it suggests that the time traveler travels in time before going home and finds and even stranger world of huge crabs living on earth, but on the other hand, the time traveler travels in to the future and finds the Morlocks have taken over the world.

In the movie that the time traveler stays with the Elios, the reason for this is because he couldn’t go back because he destroyed his time machine but in novel, it’s different because the time traveler’s friends question whether he is telling the truth. Then the time traveler disappears.

‘The time machine’ novel is very difficult and it has very high standard context which is very difficult to interpret or understand. The novel also has old English language for example “queer” and also “therewith”.

The time machine novel is set for those who are very high Standard English speakers and readers because it is very sophisticated and not barbaric.

The writer, H.G. Wells is a very descriptive writer. He uses many adjectives and adverbs. He does this to build up attention and atmosphere and make it more visual for the reader.

There is a very mysterious atmosphere to the description of the time machine- he makes us wonder what will happen next.

It is stated in the novel when the time traveler is showing the machine to his guests when he says “dance of a shadow”, A metaphor and a personification that the shadows are coming to life.

H.G. Wells uses lots of repletion as he repeats the word “parts” to emphasis that the machine is made up of lots of different materials.

H.G. Wells makes his writing more vivid and uses words that modern readers might not understand the exact meaning of now days and he uses longer and more complex sentences to describe stuff.

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The Time Machine' Published in 1895
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