Study Question Chapter 1-9

What are the tests for Canonicity?
-Written by a prophet or other Spirit-led
-Written to all generations
-Written in accord with previous revelation

At which council was the Old Testament canon confirmed?

How many groups does the Hebrew arrangement of the Old Testament have?

Which theory of inspiration holds that the Bible contains the word of God?
Limited Inspiration Theory

Plenary Verbal Inspiration theory holds that God’s inspiration includes all?

What were the Scribes called who preserved the Old Testament text?

In order to be certain that they had copied the Old Testament manuscripts accurately, the Masoretes did what?
Developed three different systems to ensure textual accuracy:
-Writing system for vowels
-Accent system for Hebrew Text
-Detailed notes system on the text

All of the Old Testament text was written in Hebrew except for a few portions written in?

LXX is the abbreviation for the?

The term used for the study of biblical interpretation is?

The souther boundary of the ancient Near East is the?
Arabian Desert, the Persian Gulf, and the Red Sea

Who occupied the coastal strip north of Israel during most of the Old Testament period?

Who occupied the southern coastal plain of Israel for most of the Old Testament time?

Which international route followed the coastline?
Via Maris

At what time were the benefits of iron discovered?
1200 B.C.

Who ruled Egypt in 1700-1540 B.C.?

What was Egypt’s method for controlling the Israeli population?
Kill all the newborn males

Who were the “Sea People” who settled on the southwest coastal plain of Syria-Palestine?

Who conquered the capital of northern Israel?

Which people group was the major force in the Iron Age?

What is the meaning of the Greek word teuchos?

What is the Jewish designation for the first five books of the Old Testament?

Which is the most appropriate descriptive “subtitle” for the Book of Genesis?
Beginning or Origins

In the Old Testament a binding relationship is called a?

Which book details the elaborate preparations for leaving Mount Sinai?

While other ancient religions expressed their theology in terms of myths, the religion of the Old Testament expressed theology in terms of?

In the Pentateugh what is the most appropriate human response to God’s grace?

Which scholar was a critic of the Documentary Hypothesis?
Julius Wellhausen

Wellhausen maintains that monotheism developed?
Israelite History

Which scholar’s work established Wellhausen’s hypothesis as the standard critical approach for English speaking scholars?
S.R. Driver

The primary theme of the Pentateuch is the story of God’s?

The closest parallel to ancient Hebrew concepts is found in the literature of?
Primeval history

Marduk is a major character in the?
Enuma Elish

As a result of being created in the image of God, human beings have?
Dominion over all creation

The theme of Genesis 3-11 is the?
Moral failure of humankind

In which chapter of Genesis are the generations of Adam listed?
Genesis 5

A stepped tower ot three to seven stages is called a?

Which Mesopotamian city had a name which meant “Gate to God”?

Where did Abram’s family originate?

Who was Hagar?
Slave-woman who Sarai gaveto Abraham to produce a child

Who was the mother of Ismael?

How old was Abram when God changed his name to Abraham?

What is the meaning of the name Sarah?

Abraham believed that his heir would be?

What name means “supplanter?

Which covenant formalized the relationship of God with Israel?

Which covenant formalized the relationship between God and the royal dynasty of Israel?

Which covenant established a theological framework for redemptive relationships?

What was the basic reason the Egyptians enslaved the Hebrews?
The people grew in significant numbers, enough to become a threat to the Egyptian population

Which incident marks the point at which Moses’ will collided with God’s?
Burning Bush

Which date for the exodus has the least archeological support?
1279 B.C.

Which body of water is least likely to be the Red Sea of Exodus?
Gulf of Agaba

Which route for the exodus would have been the most direct?
Sinai Peninsula

Christian tradition identifies Mount Sinai with?
Jebel Musa

The distinguishing feature of the Sinai Covenant was that it?
Provided detailed written instructions for having a relationship with God

What is emphasized throughout all forty chapters of Exodus?
God’s presence

Why were the Israelites not ready to live in the promised land?
Were not ready to live in God’s presence

While the cross is central in the New Testament, the Old Testament haas what as the central event?
Exodus and Sinai events

What was the most distinctive aspect of the Israelite sacrificial system?
The way it was linked to the covenant relationship with God

What was Aaron chosen to do that other Levites did not?
Tribe to serve as priests to offer the sacrifices

Who was cited as having an “unholy fire”?
Nadab and Abihu

How is the law in Leviticus different from the law in Exodus?
-Exodus outlined the Ten Commandments and explained how they applied to covenant life in ancient Israel
-Leviticus is concerned with the laws for proper covenant worship and ritual cleansing

What type of law is the Ten Commandements?
Casuistic laws

When the worshiper placed his hand on the head of the sacrifice animal, he?
He performs a burnt offering

Which New Testament book emphasizes the importance of Leviticus for Christians today?

What is an offering of ascent?
Burn offering

What is an expiating offering?
Purging of impurity caused by sin. It results from the removal of guilt, the granting of forgiveness, and the restoration of the relationship between the sinner and God

What is an offering of restoration?
Guilt offering

Where was the land of Goshen located?
Northeastern Egypt

Some scholars believe that the term “thousands” in Numbers refers to?
Social units or to military units

After departing Mount Sinai, where did the Israelites first encounter problems?
Desert of Puran

What was the main problem that Aaron and Miriam had with Moses?
Jealous about Moses’ position

How many spies did Moses send to Canaan?

Who interceded for the Israelites when God appeared at the tabernacle?

What was the fate of the rebellious Korah, Dathan, and Abiram?
Earthquake killed them

What was the result of Moses’ sin at Kadesh?
Could not enter the land of Canaan

Where did the Israelites stop last before entering Canaan?

Who did God choose to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land?

How many long speeches of Moses are recoreded in Deuteronomy?

The central core of the chiasm of Deuteronomy focuses on?
Legal instruction for Israel

How many days should the journaey from Mount Sinai to Kadesh-Barnea have taken?

Moses’ expression of monotheism in Deuteronomy 6:4 is known as the?

The Decalogue is known as the?
10 Commandments

Where did Moses instruct the Israelites to have a covenant renewal ceremony?

After writing the law, Moses instructed the Israelites to read it in public ever?
7 years

Moses toook possession of the Promised Land symbolically by?
Viewing it from Mt. Nebo

A politicl treaty between unequal partners is called?
Suzerainty Treaty

Suzerainty treaties were most commonly initiated by?

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Study Question Chapter 1-9
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