Romeo And Juliet Assessment

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This sample essay on Romeo And Juliet Assessment offers an extensive list of facts and arguments related to it. The essay’s introduction, body paragraphs, and the conclusion are provided below.

In this scene (act 3 scene1) Tybalt finds Mercutio and Benvolio while looking for Romeo he tells them that he wants to fight Romeo. Romeo arrives but refuses to fight as he is now officially related to Tybalt (him being Juliet’s cousin.) Mercutio battles for him instead. Therefore Romeo tries to stop them but in his attempt Tybalt ends up killing Mercutio.

This really sets Romeo of and he kills Tybalt in revenge then runs away. At this moment the prince arrives and declares Romeos banishment from the city.In this scene Benvolio and Romeo are shown as peace makers by faith of that; at the beginning before Tybalt arrives Benvolio states “I pray thee god Mercutio Lets retire: The day is hot Capulet’s are aboard” here he is trying to get out before things could get out of hand as he has already seen the Capulet’s and senses danger aboard and does not wish for any chaos.

But someone as stubborn as Mercutio refuses to listen “we talk here in the public haunt of men: either withdraw unto some private place….. Or else depart.” As you can see here once again after Tybalt has arrived Benvolio tries to sort the situation out as calmly as possible, and does not wish for this meeting to become a big issue in public gazes.

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Romeo also keeps peace because he refuses to fight with Tybalt “Tybalt the reason that I have to love thee doth much excuse the appertaining rage. Villain am I none; therefore farewell, I see though knowest me not.” He tried to tell Tybalt without giving the whole truth that he could not harm him now that he has to love him due to there relationship’ and tries to end the conversation with a simple farewell. But Tybalt refuses as he not one to give up so easily without a fight.True to character, the hot-headed Mercutio starts a quarrel the instant Tybalt requests a word with him, by responding, “Make it a word and a blow.” Tybalt at first ignores Mercutio’s insults because, ironically again, he’s saving his blade for Romeo.Mercutio is shown as one with guts who wants to have a bit of a laugh and get involved in a fight or two “could you not take some occasion without some giving?” Mercutio himself urges Tybalt to start a fight as he requests him to fight him without a reason given even so Mercutio had nothing against the capulet’s as he was not part of the Montague clan, for the sake of his friendship with Romeo and Benvolio he is always ready to fight for them and this is exactly what he wants to do at this specific moment. But Tybalt declines this as he only and only wishes to duel with Romeo.Shakespeare uses different techniques in his writing to show different emotions and atmospheres as he is able to show how some of his characters can be very sweet with words like “and so good Capulet,–which name I tender as dearly as my own,– be satisfied.” Used by Romeo Here Romeo is flattering young Tybalt just to get him of his back furthermore to soothe the situation. Even so he uses language that ca easily convey the relationship between characters as in one of his lines; when Mercutio is badly hurt and Romeo is trying to comfort him “courage, Man; the hurt cannot be much.” Here the word man (the one I have made in bold) is show as the relationship between two friends as this phrase is not used often in Formal language between you or your teachers or boss or other senior people, such language is only used between Good or really close friends i.e. Mercutio and Romeo.Many similes have been used to compare two things to give us a visual of his description which also includes the use of highly metaphors which gives great depth of information. But many are the type where immaturity is shown because the comparisons very obvious but over-used.I think this scene of all scenes is the most dramatic! It is the turning point of the whole story as it contains two deaths which lead to two other deaths! For instance when the prince comes and states “And for that offence immediately we do exile him hence: ………….. I will be deaf to pleading and excuses; nor tears nor prayers shall purchase out abuses:” this part really catches the attention of readers as it is the point were Romeo’s banishment is declared along with the prince also disclosing that no tears or any other payoff will cease his punishment.Likewise when Tybalt remarks “Follow me close, for I will speak to them.” At this particular moment we just see Tybalt entering while Benvolio is still trying to convince Mercutio to leave. We don’t now for what purpose Tybalt is here and have no clue of what is about to happen this creates suspense, mystery and was very climatic.Another part I found dramatic to an unbelievable extent is when Mercutio repeats the phrase “a plague O’ both your houses!” I think this part is very very dramatic and changes the whole atmosphere of the scene! Here Mercutio is trying to tell us that he had been wound between the two hoses and now this is the fate he has to suffer cause of the consequences.Tybalt’s death brings Romeo to shock as he realizes what he had just committed, he had not wanted this to happen and he realizes that he is victim of fate “O, I am fortune’s fool!” he had cried. At this moment he is struck with a sense of anger injustice and emptiness.I choose this scene because I thought it was one of the best scenes through out the story with a lot of action emotion and suspense. It is the turning point of the story like I mentioned before and changes the whole climax. During this scene Mercutio is seen to have kept the repetition of a phrase which I really like and I think holds a lot of power “a plague O’ both your houses” I think the meaning of this is very obvious and holds a lot of power as in the beginning Mercutio himself wanted to fight and got involved, but then at the end blames it on them two families.Then at the end of the scene when the prince is shown he does another very vital thing which changes the story, when the prince announced Romeos deportation the way this scene ended with a dramatic point caused a very good affect on the audience. This scene contains a lot as two tragic deaths take place and never the less Romeo is separated from Juliet and this all in all leads to the death of these two crossed lovers. I can state that without any evidence that if this scene was not included in the story, then the ending that did take place (the death of Romeo and Juliet) would not of happened and there would have been a completely different conclusion to the story.In this scene the speed with which Mercutio and Tybalt’s death, as a consequence of Romeo and Juliet’s marriage and the banishment all contribute to a sense of reality that a chain of events has been set in motion in which the protagonists have no control over. Mercutio’s dying curse upon the house rings as the voice of fate itself.Moreover these were the reasons why I chose to write about this scene because there were so many things to say about this as so much happens in this scene and I personally prefer this scene to all others because this is where the whole story turnarounds.

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