Ivan Has Decided To Give His Persuasive Speech On Stem Cell Research

Topics: Stem Cells

SPH107: Basic Public SpeakingDirections: Choose the answer that best completes Reading Quiz each of the following items. Mark your Chapter 6 answers on the answer sheet provided. |Which of the following is not a true statement? |Periodical databases _____. |As your textbook explains, when you locate an abstract of a |Catalog articles from a large number of journals and magazines | |magazine article using a computerized periodical index, you |Are valuable for locating materials in encyclopedias and other | |should feel free to cite the article in your speech on the basis |reference works | |of the abstract alone.

Often provide abstracts of journal and magazine articles | |One of the advantages of using the Internet for research is that |A and c only | |you can locate information by conducting both subject searches | | |and keyword searches. |You are researching a speech and need to learn how the meaning of| |When taking research notes, it is important to make a distinction|the word “science” has changed historically.

Essay Example on Ivan Has Decided To Give His Persuasive Speech On Stem Cell Research.

Which Of The Following Tips For Doing Research Discussed In Your Textbook Should He Keep In Mind As He Works On The Speech?

Which of the | |between direct quotations, paraphrases, and your own ideas. |following would be the best reference source to consult? | |None of the above |Roget’s Thesaurus | | |Encyclopedia Britannica | |Which of the following is a true statement? Oxford English Dictionary | |You can almost always count on the reliability of Internet |Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations | |research materials found through major search engines such as |Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary | |Goggle and Yahoo.

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| | |If you cannot identify the author of a document on the Internet, |According to your textbook, when quoting an

Internet document | |you should try to determine the sponsoring organization for the |during a speech, a speaker should identify the _____. | |document. |Search aid to find the document | |If you use a tape recorder or a digital recorder in a research |Author of the document if the author’s name is known | |interview, you should keep it secret from the person being |Organization responsible for the document if the author’s name is| |interviewed. not known | |None of the above |B and c only | | | | |If you need to learn the number of Americans who own cell phones,|According to your textbook, when citing an Internet document in a| |which of the following would be the best source to consult? speech bibliography, you should include the _____. | |Encyclopedia Britannica |Date on which you accessed the document | |U. S.

News and World Report |Organization responsible for the document if the author’s name is| |Statistical Abstract of the United States |not known | |Webster’s Guide to Facts and Figures |URL of the document | |Social Sciences Index |All of the above | | |B and c only | |Ivan has decided to give his persuasive speech on stem-cell | | |research. Which of the following research tips discussed in your|Which of the following statements is not true? | |textbook should he keep in mind as he works on the speech? Your textbook states that a good guideline for preparing a | |Include a subject heading on each note |preliminary bibliography is to write a brief note on why the | |Put all the information from each source on a single note |source may be valuable for your speech. | |Use a different format for notes from Internet sources and |When taking research notes, take notes only when you are certain | |library documents |that you will use the information in your speech. | |All of the above |When taking research notes, it is important to distinguish among | |A and c only |direct quotations, paraphrases, and your own ideas. | |None of the above | |What are the three criteria discussed in your textbook for |All of the above | |assessing the soundness of documents found on the Internet? | | |Length, accuracy, and recency | | |Reliability, objectivity, and authorship | | |Authorship, sponsorship, and recency | | |Credibility, sponsorship, and accuracy | |

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Ivan Has Decided To Give His Persuasive Speech On Stem Cell Research. (2019, Nov 27). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-quotation-and-research-notes-112/

Ivan Has Decided To Give His Persuasive Speech On Stem Cell Research
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