Research On Plastic Bags

Topics: Pollution

Plastic is extremely bad for the environment. It is one of man’s worst inventions. Plastic is non-biodegradable. This means that waste plastic cannot be turned into any other substance that is echo friendly. Although tones and tones of plastic are burned in the most advanced incinerators, all that remains in plastic. It doses ‘t change into anything else, as many other materials do. Hence plastic waste is dangerous to the environment. Plastic carry bags reach the drainage system and this causes clogging especially during the rains.

Essay Example on Speech On Plastic Bags

If too much plastic ends up in a lake or a pond, it creates a layer that denies oxygen to everything below so that no plant or animal life can survive in that water body. If animals eat plastic bags thrown in rubbish dumps, it knots up their intestines and they die painful deaths. If plastic lies on land, it can choke it to the extent that nothing will grow there again.

Hence, plastics must be done away with completely. There are many alternatives to plastic and we should use them.

For shopping we can use cloth or paper carry-bags. We can get milk in bottles or cardboard cartons. We can use metal containers to store things that are now stored in plastic containers. Many things now made of plastic can have better and echo-friendly alternatives. So the earlier we say good bye to the plastic the safer be the future of the planet Earth. Evaluate the main problems associated with using plastic bags.

Critically assess possible solutions to reduce these problems.

The serious pollution caused by plastic bags has become an urgent environmental issue, it has attracted more and more concern. Today,plastic bags are widely seed in retail I Environmental issues have within the recent years become a frequently debated matter and corporate social responsibility (CARS) has become a new determinant for consumers purchase decisions. As a consequence of this, ever more companies have begun to implement different CARS initiatives in order to TA Many solutions exist to reduce the negative externalities of plastic bags.

The three main solutions available are taxation on plastic bags, bans on plastic bags and subsidies to improve methane capture technologies. The following provides a discussion on each f the solutions, including the advantage Plastic bags are not biodegradable, so they get littered onto a wasteland which causes soil erosion causing damage and harm to the trees. If plastic bags are burnt, they emit hazardous gases causing air pollution which causes damage on the ozone layer.

The Plastic can be reduced by u not using 10 The environmental problems in India are growing rapidly. The increasing economic development and a rapidly growing population that has taken the country from 300 million people in 1947 to more than one billion people today is putting a strain on the environment, infrastructure, and the country’s n The Harm of Plastic bags Intro to Environmental Science Eric Trembler Granting University The Harm of plastic Bags The slide presentation on plastic bags was alarming.

For years I have heard that plastic was such a bad thing for the environment. Figured with that with the technology avail Environmental Pollution Research Paper In Natural Science 1 (Foundation of Physical Science) Submitted to: Tatty. Vaccine T. Penn Submitted by: Raffles, Aledo Neil B. L. Environmental Pollution Environmental pollution is contamination of air, water and land from man- environmental Pollution Research Paper In Natural Science 1 (Foundation of Physical Science) Submitted to: Tatty.

Vaccine T. Penn Submitted by: Raffles, Aledo Neil B. L. Environmental Pollution Environmental pollution is contamination of air, water and land from man-unreduced Usage of plastic bag Plastic! Plastic! Plastic!. This materials is use by people all over the world. Plastic uses for many activity,mainly for carry things. We can see plastic every day and every where in our life. At shop even at stall. Usage of plastic has advantage and disadvantage.

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Research On Plastic Bags. (2019, Nov 27). Retrieved from

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