My Mother Said I Never Should Jackie Monologue How Dare You

The sample essay on My Mother Said I Never Should Jackie Monologue How Dare You deals with a framework of research-based facts, approaches, and arguments concerning this theme. To see the essay’s introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion, read on.

When looking for my contemporary monologue I at first wasnt sure what kind of monologue I wanted, I knew I wanted one which showed quite a bit of emotion but as to which monologue I should of chose I was stuck on.

I eventually found one monologue its called ‘my mother said I never should’ by Charlotte Keatley. The play is about difficult relationships between mothers and daughters. It goes forwards and backwards between 1905 and 1987. It shows the lives of four generations of women, their loves, expectations and choices throughout their lives.

They are set against the huge social changes on the twentieth century. In the scene from which my monologue came from it is in 1987, Jackie is in her mid-thirties and she runs an art gallery in manchester.

She has a very successful life but has a very painful secret. In the the early seventies at the age of nineteen she gave birth to an illegitimate daughter Rosie. She couldnt handle the demands of single parenthood after Rosie’s father moved away with another woman. She then had to give Rosie up under pressure from her mother, and so she was brought up by her grandparents.

My Mother Said I Never Should Jackie

Later on one Margaret who Rosie thought was her mother had just died from cancer, Rosie was going through paperwork only to find her birth certificate.

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That is when she found out that Jackie was her actual mother and Jackie then trys to explain herself. – Jackie- How dare you! (Goes to hit Rosie but cannot. ) You’re at the centre of everything I do! (Slight pause. ) Mummy treated me as though I’d simply fallen over and cut my knee – picked me up and said you’ll be all right now, it won’t show much. She wanted to make it all better. (Quiet. ) … She was the one who wanted it kept secret … I wanted you, Rosie. Angry. )

For the first time in my life I took care of myself – refused joints, did exercises, went to the clinic. (Pause. ) ‘It’s a girl. ‘ (Smiles irresistibly. ) – After you’d gone I tried to lose that memory. (Pause. Effort. ) Graham … your father. (Silence. ) He couldn’t be there the day you were born, he had to be in Liverpool. He was married. (Emphatic. ) He loved me, he loved you, you must believe that! (Pause. ) He said he’d leave his wife, but I knew he wouldn’t; there were two young children, the youngest was only four … we’d agreed, separate lives, I wanted to bring you up.

He sent money. (Pause. ) I took you to Lyme Park one day, I saw them together, across the lake, he was buying them ice creams, his wife was taking a photo. I think they live in Leeds now, I saw his name in the Guardian last year, an article about his photographs … (Pause. ) It was a very cold winter after you were born. There were power cuts. I couldn’t keep the room warm; there were no lights in the tower blocks; I knew he had an open fire, it was trendy; so we took a bus to Didsbury, big gardens, pine kitchens, made a change from concrete.

I rang the bell. (Stops. ) A Punjabi man answered, said he was sorry … they’d moved. By the time we got back to Moss Side it was dark, the lift wasn’t working – (Stops. ) That was the night I phoned Mummy. (Difficult. ) Asked her. (Pause. ) I tried! I couldn’t do it, Rosie. (Pause. ) It doesn’t matter how much you succeed afterwards, if you’ve failed once. (Pause. ) After you’d gone … I kept waking in the night to feed you … A week … in the flat … Then I went back to art school. Sandra and Hugh thought I was inhuman.

I remember the books hat came out that winter – how to succeed as a single working mother – fairytales! (Pause. ) Sandra and Hugh have a family now. Quite a few of my friends do. (Pause. ) I could give you everything now. Rosie? … In this monologue I could see that the short sentances punctuated by pauses and silences, bursts of anger and overemphasis show how difficult it is for Jackie. I thought about how hard it must be to tell your daughter that you gave her away, Jackie has now lost her mother and wasnt there for her in time to say goodbye.

Now her relationship with her daughter is at stake. Jackie who is guilt and grief stricken she trys to offer a fractured explanation for what she did. You can see that she is still trying to hold on to the myth that the father of Rosie still loves them both as she trys to get Rosie to also belive it. I thought that this monologue was a very good emotional one. I feel that I could perform this fairly well as I can look at the emotion and I can portray it fairly well. The second monologue I looked at was called ‘Cant stand up for falling down’ by Richard Cameron.

The play is set in a coal mining town in South Yourkshire on a stretch down by the River Don. It is about three young women, all deeply affected by the death of a local man, all with a good reason to hate the heartless town bully, Royce Boland. The story starts to unfold through looking at each of their perspectives and series of monologues which are often addressed directly to the audience. Lynette is a working class Yorkshire woman of twenty-two. She married Royce at eighteen but has lived to regret it.

She was brought up to belive that marriage is sacred and you must try your hardest to make it work. But Royce is a violent drunk man who beats, demeans and terrorises her. Royce forced her to give up her job in the coal board offices and now she stays home cooks, cleans and sometimes works in their fish tackle shop. Every now and then she shows a bleak sense of humor. There are moments throughout where she is sorry and things improve for a while. It shows in her monologue that it is true hatred that runs through her for him.

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My Mother Said I Never Should Jackie Monologue How Dare You
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