Production Of Ink From Mahogany Pods Charcoal

Topics: Agriculture

Mahogany Fruits are often thrown away. What most people do not know is that the dried pulps are good substitute of charcoal and firewood. Mahogany Fruit also known as a hard wood. Mahogany Is a fast-growing forest trees commonly made into furniture or used in construction materials. More importantly, mahoganies effectively prevent soil erosion and flood hence these are often planted along river banks. Mahogany trees do not bear flower but grow buds which develop into brown oblong fruit.

Essay Example on Charcoal Thesis

The fruits fall when they mature, and the dried ones break spreading on the ground.

Mahogany is one of the resourceful in our environment especially the fruit (sky fruit). It can be used as Alternative Charcoal or Fuel. And many people use this fruit as their medicine or healing. Significance of the Study: This study Intends to make use of Mahogany Fruit as a major component In making Alternative Charcoal to save money and to keep environment clean.

Student – This study can help for Student to have an idea about Mahogany Fruit sed as an Alternative Charcoal. Teacher – This study can help for Teacher to understand the use of Mahogany Fruit and make their own Alternative Charcoal out of Mahogany Fruit. By this study they will come up with easier. Hypothesis: Null: There Is no difference between charcoal and Mahogany Fruit. significant effect between Charcoal and Mahogany Fruit. Alternative: There Is a difference between charcoal and Mahogany Fruit.

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Production Of Ink From Mahogany Pods Charcoal. (2019, Nov 27). Retrieved from

Production Of Ink From Mahogany Pods Charcoal
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