Jemima J: A Novel About Ugly Ducklings and Swans

Topics: Novels

“Jemima J” A Novel About Ugly Ducklings and Swans by Jane Green which contains 464 pages full with drama and surprises that makes you enjoy every single page of the book. A work that is inspired from a real story and every reader can find himself in the main character. It’s a fiction novel about contemporary women . Jane Green was a disaster at University butshe discovered writing soon afterwards and she begin to write this book and later on she gained a place on “Broadway Books” Is a story ofa 27 years old overweight women, good-hearted with sass and humor who hates her body and she envies her slim and beautifull coworker Geraldine.

Is a story of hope and determination.

One of the important characters of the novel is Geraldine a coworker of Jemima as I metioned before. Even though she is envied by Jemima in the same time she is her friend and she doesn`t seem to minde that her friend has over weight issues.

While everyone avoid Jemima because of her problems,Geraldine supports her and she tries to show Jemima that her social probles are not just because of weight. Another character is Ben.He is also a coworker of Jemima and is her constant love.He is an intelligent and charming man who is interested about family and love. He likes Jemima but he sees her just as a good firend.Later we will finde that Ben will change his opinion about Jemima.

Other important character is Brad a gym owner with perfect body and hair and beautifull eyes.

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He becames Jemima boyfriend after they meet on internet and I think that he is one of the moust important characters because he is the main source that determinates Jemima to make a major change in her life.Because of him her life will suffer a huge change but in a good way. Jemima`s life is very sad,she is treated bad because her problems,her social life is minimal and she thinks that everyone looks at her with pity.She is constient about that fact that she eats more that it should normaly eat and she…

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Jemima J: A Novel About Ugly Ducklings and Swans. (2019, Mar 01). Retrieved from

Jemima J: A Novel About Ugly Ducklings and Swans
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