Boundaries Between Teachers And Other Professional Roles

Topics: Teaching

This sample of an academic paper on Boundaries Between Teachers And Other Professional Roles reveals arguments and important aspects of this topic. Read this essay’s introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion below.

Explain boundaries between teachers and other professionals in lifelong learning

Summarise your own responsibilities in relation to other lifelong learning professionals Within the 2003 workload agreement (Woodward and Peart, 2013) its explains the levels of work a teacher could reasonably expect but also defines the roles which would provide a framework of support to the teachers role.

Though this applies to secondary education the principles can inform teacher roles in the lifelong learning sector.

The principles include: a teacher must develop an awareness, understanding and professional respect of all the roles which support them in their effectiveness. In the Institute of Learning’s Code of Professional Conduct is states that individuals “respect the rights of learners and colleagues in accordance with relevant legislation and organisation requirement” (wmw. nelcls. ac. uk, 2013).

Regulations and Guidance under S133 of the Education Act 2002 (www. education. gov. uk, 2013) provides clear boundaries between the role of teacher to the learner.

The ‘interaction pupils have with a teacher” is important as a lack of it, as research has shown may impact upon the learners learning (Webster, Russell and Blatchford, 2013). Within my role as an ICT tutor I will come in contact with many other professionals who will ultimately aim to best support learners through their development on the course. If it be by having direct or indirect contact with the learner, i.

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e the service manager guiding the tutor to deliver a course that meets the standards and objectives set out by the organisations mandate and policies.

Professional Teacher Essay

As it takes many people to support the development of a earner, the role of collegiality and collaboration in local and regional areas from college support team, other teachers, my tutor coach, as well as support from agencies such as social services, awarding bodies, Ofsted inspectors is important. Acting professional at all times with these other professionals is also important to support the continuity of the service provided to learners. Below I will outline professionals whom I may come in contact with and how they may support my role and my responsibilities to them as professional.

Peers/Colleagues – The Admin eam are responsible for scheduling of rooms, bookkeeping (registration of pupils), communications, data entry, identifying learner support agencies such as welfare support and health agencies. My responsibilities will be to provide reports and necessary data regarding the participation of the learners (registers) and course development, Letter referral/ signposting. This can be achieved through, screening, initial assessment, diagnostic assessment, identify sources of learner support and learning support.

Other teachers and tutor coach will observe me while I teach, will rovide feedback and where necessary give support. My responsibilities will be to accept constructive criticism, respond to guidance and seek support if required. Managers/supervisors – lead the delivery and development of Adult education earning programmes, help develop its vision, strategic objectives and direction, and to participate fully in management planning, development and reporting ensure resource are in good order and administrative systems including Groundwork Health & Safety, Equal opportunities and Child Protection policies are in place.

My esponsibilities will be to maintaining accurate records of all learner information, organisational processes and procedures, quality assurance, professional conduct, ethics, confidentiality, respect, teamwork Awarding bodies – internal/external verifiers provide an approval process for independent training providers like Newham adult education and then if they meet the criteria, the awarding body are able to award qualifications for the course that is passed.. My responsibilities will be to provide the assessment documents, tracking documents, student profiles.

Ofsted Inspectors – inspects or regulates quality of education opportunities to inspect a wide range of learning within a variety schools and institutions opportunity to inspect schools in diverse circumstances developing expertise in self-evaluation and school improvement, which can be used to benefit their own institution when the secondment finishes opportunities. My responsibilities will be to provide self- assessment reports; performance data (registers) Tracking grid, Portfolios and folders of students. External Agencies – such as social services, drug and or alcohol abuse entres.

These services provide support for people and work on a referral system. My responsibilities would be to ensure I have provided factual information to management the regarding the concerns of the student being referred, Identify support needs of learners. This can be achieved through, screening, initial assessment, diagnostic assessment, identify sources of learner support and learning support, observations and through discussion. Care taker – Maintaining and up keeping a property, or building including preparing rooms for meetings and events nd monitoring air conditioning and heating levels in a building.

My responsibilities to them be to ensure rooms were left in a suitable condition to when I arrived, air conditioning was returned to its normal temperature and to report any changes in use of the space will communicated as early as possible. However there may be boundaries between my role as a teacher and other professional that can impact me working with them to meet the needs of the learner. For example: If learner hasn’t correctly completed an initial assessment or diagnostic assessment then it may be ifficult ensure that the learner is referred to the right agency for support.

Alternatively there might not be the correct support available at other agency’s to meet the learner’s needs i. e a translator. Ways to work around that is to encourage the learner to get someone they know to support them. Regarding the care taker, limitations to the times that the building can be access can be problematic, especially if a learner wishes to discuss a particular issue after the lesson that needs the tutors attention but they have to leave the building. This can be addressed by speaking with he learner in a quite space outside or if they can come in to the lesson early time to further discuss the issue then.

Other boundaries may include: a lack of consideration for learners support, other professional agendas and organisations in their day to day work. Overall the above boundaries could be addressed via my own responsibilities in relation to other professionals. These would include maintaining accurate records of all learner information, organisational processes and procedures, quality assurance, professional conduct, ethics, confidentiality, respect and being a team player.

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Boundaries Between Teachers And Other Professional Roles
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