Child And Young Person Development

Child and young person development (4. 0) Analyse the importance of early identification of speech, language and communication delays and disorders and the potential risks of late recognition (4. 1) There are many different reasons that a child can develop a speech, language or communication problem.

Having hearing problems can prevent them from hearing sounds or language properly and using a dummy past the age of 12 months can both cause speech problems, not being exposed to enough language or having no need to talk because parents will speak for them or just give orders such as “dinner, bed” can lead to communication problems.

But the majority of the time the causes of speech, language and communication problems are unidentifiable. Early identification of speech, language and communication delays or disorders means the child can sooner receive the right treatment and support to hopefully correct the problem. reatly increasing the chances of improving their skills and helping to get their development back on track as quickly as possible.

Late recognition of speech, language and communication delays can lead to problems with understanding or a child being able to express their own feelings, leaving them feeling angry or frustrated and causing them to act out and maybe develop behavior problems. It can also effect their confidence and self-esteem causing problems building relationships with peers and becoming isolated for fear of being laughed at or bullied.

And finally it can cause learning delays, particularly in literacy, having problems with sounds and letters leading to delays in reading and spelling.

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Explain how multi-agency teams work together to support speech, language and communication (4. 2). Multi-agency working brings together practitioners from different sectors and professions, to provide an integrated way of working to support children, young people and families. It is a way of working that ensures children and young people who need additional support have exactly the right professionals around them.

If a child needs support from a speech therapist, a social worker, teachers and health workers, then a team of those professionals will be set up (with consent of the child, young person and family) and will work together to improve their lives. Team members will share information and support one another so the child’s needs are addressed efficiently and effectively. In some circumstances, the multi-agency team works together under one roof, in other cases they may operate virtually.

In all groups, the practitioners will meet regularly to discuss the needs of the child or young person, to plan and deliver coordinated and targeted interventions. Multi-agency working could involve anyone whose job or voluntary work puts them in contact with children, young people and their families. It is likely to include people from professional backgrounds including social work, health, education, early years, youth work, and police and youth justice. It may also involve people from the third or private sectors.

Because the needs of children and young peoples can be very different, the composition of a multi-agency team will differ from case to case. What is important is that each person brings with them their own specialist skills, expertise and insight so that the child or young person gets the best support possible. Explain how play and activities are used to support the development of speech, language and communication (give examples) (4. 3) Play situation can be set up to teach particular vocabulary or language concepts.

Play can be structured to reinforce or over learn this language, and then later the children will, hopefully, incorporate the same language in their own play. Play can give the opportunity to relate language to something concrete; something that can be directly experienced. This ensures that language is used meaningfully, which is especially important for children. Play can lead to the exploration and development of particular manipulative skills, organisational skills, imagination and reading and writing skills.

For instance, dressing and undressing dolls helps the children develop their own dressing skills, while role-play can develop a depth of understanding in topic work and allows for reading and writing with a purpose. Play dough   with circular cutters- the children will have the opportunity to manipulate the play dough, press the shapes and have the satisfaction of seeing the result of their action. This activity relates to the circle theme and encourages the use of language-e. g: ’round’,’circular’ and so on. Nursery rhymes, songs and using musical instrument can help children to listen and take turns, but also to sing and communicate.

Some nursery rhymes can help children to practice particular speech sounds. Books can help to increase vocabulary and help children to learn the meanings of words. Some books can help children to participate, for example a book that makes musical sounds when a picture is pressed. Books can also be made specifically to meet a child’s interests and so encourage the child to point or vocalise. When children interact with puppets and make them talk and interact with one another, they are also involved in dramatic play. This type of play is excellent for developing language and for expressing feelings. ———————– 1

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Child And Young Person Development. (2019, Jun 20). Retrieved from

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