EEO in Your State: Questions and Resources

Topics: Human Rights

Directions: The following questions are regarding the topic of Equal Employment Opportunity. Use your states EEO website(s) in the resources section, conduct research to answer each question. Please use complete sentences; checking grammar, punctuation and spelling. (Minimum Word count: 100)  What is Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)?  What is unlawful discrimination? Identify 4 types of unlawful discrimination and give a specific workplace example for each.

EEO: all employees should have equal opportunities in their workplaces.

  • No unlawful discrimination and harassment
  • providing programs to assist members of EEO groups to overcome past or present disadvantage
  • Employers have responsibilities which employees should know the anti-discrimination laws and follow these laws
  • Employees should have equal work opportunities by implementing particular equal opportunity management programs and plans designed.

People may be treated unfairly because of the race, color, national or ethnic origin; sex, pregnancy or marital ; age; disability; religion; sexual preference; trade union activity; or some other characteristic specified under anti-discrimination or human rights legislation.  Four types of unlawful discrimination:

  1. Age discrimination
  2. Disability discrimination
  3. Race discrimination
  4.  Sex discrimination Example:
  • Airline virgin blue claimed that the women whose ages were between 36 and 56 should sing and dance.

    The company prefers young girls to old ones, so the applications of older women were rejected. Alexander is deaf person. She is not invited because of her hearing loss. The employer believes her hearing loss may be an impediment to work.

  • ixteen Aboriginal women and their children had a travel in Alice Springs, they were asked to leave when they were checking in at the Haven hostel, because of the colour of their skin.

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EEO in Your State: Questions and Resources
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