The Power Of One Characters

An interesting character in, “The Power of One,” by Bryce Courtenay is Peekay. I found him interesting because he sees problems differently to other people, he develops greatly throughout the book and he shows love to all people no matter their race. Peekay sees problems very differently to most people. When others see something that doesn’t go how they want it they will give up whether Peekay would stop and work his way around the problem. “I was by nature a fairly quiet sort of a guy and had no trouble getting on with things.

” This suggests that Peekay had no problem at getting on with doing what has to be done without complaining or delaying. This is an important quality to have and helps avoid procrastination.

As Peekay grows up he starts to realize the importance of following his own path. At the start of the book Peekay believes he needs to frequently, “camouflage,” himself in order to survive the world.

“I had become an expert at camouflage. My precocity allowed me, chameleon like, to be to each what they required me to be.” In this quote Peekay compares himself to a chameleon which suggests that he can change to adapt to his environment in order to become unnoticeable or put on his, “camouflage.” Towards the end of the book Peekay starts to question the idea of others controlling his destiny and wants to remove his camouflages and create his own destiny. The quote, “Always listen to yourself… It is better to be wrong than simply to follow convention.

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” shows that Peekay later realises that it is better to do your own thing then to keep your, “camouflage,” on. This idea is important to today’s society because there are many more influences due to technology, especially for young people, which can change how we think and act and sometimes we need to not listen to these influences so we can make up our own minds about important social issues.

The Power Of One Analysis

Peekay has always views all people equally no matter their race. He was…

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The Power Of One Characters. (2019, Dec 05). Retrieved from

The Power Of One Characters
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