Russell Hobbs K2 Kettle

Topics: Company

The following academic paper highlights the up-to-date issues and questions of Russell Hobbs K2 Kettle. This sample provides just some ideas on how this topic can be analyzed and discussed. Russell Hobbs brand audit Mission statement For over 50 years, the Russell Hobbs™ brand has been synonymous with innovation, performance and industry leading design by delivering real consumer benefits. As part of our European heritage, we continue to develop new concepts that expand the boundaries of technology and stay true to the gourmet roots that define our culture.

In following tradition, our products continue to deliver best in class innovations, designed to inspire your culinary talents in creating new dishes that will delight even the most demanding palate.

A leading brand in our U. K. home and a name recognized around the world, Russell Hobbs™ is devoted to our mission of allowing you to bring out your inner chef by expressing your creativity and giving life to your passion for food. Logo evokes heritage and consumer recognition, a historically British brand and well recognised name .

The crest logo (fig 1) that accompanies title is off a regal calligraphy style this was seen on the first coffee peculator that launched the company in 1952. The original brand name has retained its graphic type fig since the introduction off the K1 kettle in 1956.

The type used from 1956 onward is ITC Kabel developed in the late twenties currently available through adobe. The red background is symbolism for the red button made famous with the K2 kettle this model kettle being the first and bestseller of its type in the U.

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K. throughout the 60s and 70s Brand Audit Russell Hobbs Brand Audit Russell Hobbs The red crest didnt appear with brand name until the pifco merger in 1991 today the name appears alongside a red crest written in medium Adobe ITC kabel in black on white background and alternatively white font on black background. Following recent slogans off “smart in the kitchen” and “anything less is second best “Russell Hobbs now uses “switched on style” since 2007 as part of a P R campaign set to drive reappraisal by focusing on the new Allure range of kettles and toasters- using its classic design attributes to position the brand as a ‘premium contender’ in the food preparation market.

The allure range being the most promoted line off business, design influenced by Mies van der Rohe, also the steel touch Mondrian inspired range this is also referring to switched on style too, and showing that the user recognises design as a product. Also a reference to technological design and the company being at the forefront of technological development, company famous for innovative developments. The logo is easily visible on all the companies’ products mostly as graphical but the allure, platinum and the steel touch ranges have an embossing on stainless steel and plastic giving an appearance of quality production. The communication lies in the quality off its graphical print, but also individual ranges have their own colour schemes and materials, this suiting the target design that may be influencing the consumers kitchen, each in turn influencing the outcome off the packaging images .

The whole brand carries the main colour themes off red, green ,white or black contrasted with metal , chrome effect or glass the images on the packaging are enhanced to reflect the qualities off the materials . The logo keeps its red white and black colour throughout all its packaging and print media. The strategy off the Russell Hobbs packaging is the variations in its range also, there is choice to suit a cross section off kitchen styles. Each appliance is advertised in the style off kitchen and target group intended. Its heritage range is in the scene off a county kitchen to the allure range which is placed in a modern sleek scenario. This is pointing to the companies’ premium position in which the consumer is looking for style and functionality over price. Ease of use is intentionally targeted in Russell Hobbs design from side ejecting toasters to touch programme kettles this hints at a customer willing to spend as a luxury item rather than a necessity.

This could also conclude a target market off the older generation when restriction of movement becomes an underlying factor in purchasing choice. The detailing is translated in the packaging and advertising, to aim at this The literature emphasises the innovations delivered by Russell Hobbs from * the first electric switching kettle , * the first plastic kettle ,  the first cordless kettle * the first 360 swivel cordless kettle ,  the first rapid boil kettle  the first automatic peculator * the first sideways ejecting toaster ,  the first touch button kitchen appliances , the first temperature controlled kettle.

The Russell Hobbs website leads into the flagship allure range as a heading . The company is using this range to show its classic style off the 1960s in a retro light It defines a clear linkage to its past and alludes to its heritage range as its prodigy. Shown below are the simplest forms used in the design of current and past products. 2011 1991 2011 1984 20112011 the brand holds its conservative qualities in its designs which stand with an upright posture with a can do I’m here to make toast or tea attitude . Russell Hobbs has created a loyal target customer and has catered for them keeping some off its iconic forms , the company has also targeted a group with cash flow budgeted to household appliances, age range off 30s to 50s who intend on getting something different or something to talk about, possibly a product that can be left on display and get noticed.

Russell Hobbs known for innovation, supplies also to needs off gadgetry users. The company rarely communicates a reliability, economic or environment issues affecting consumer choice , its marketing strategy is one of individualism through choice off style and variation off design , its name is synonymous with kitchen appliances and many consumers have inherited the experience off Russell Hobbs as a kitchen product . Shown above are four iterations off colour used in the product I am currently redesigning , as shown the chromed version has not been endorsed by Marco Pierre White , this is in keeping with the brands recognition of individualism of the consumer .

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Russell Hobbs K2 Kettle. (2019, Dec 07). Retrieved from

Russell Hobbs K2 Kettle
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